Station Interface/Ship/Upgrade
There are four sub-sections of the Upgrade tab in the Ship section of the Station Interface: the Buy Ship sub-section, the Small Addons sub-section, the Large Addons sub-section, and the Other Addons subsection.
Buy Ship
This is where you can buy new Ships. Ships that you cannot access yet (whether it be because you have insufficient licenses, insufficient faction standing, do not have enough credits, or need to complete a special mission tree) are displayed in red. When buying a ship, you can customize its color by selecting a color from the palette on the bottom. Once you've configured the ship to your liking, press the "Purchase Selected" button in the lower-right-hand corner and continue on to outfit it with addons (at least a Powercell is required to launch).
Small Addons
This is where you can purchase addons to put in a Small port. If you have an empty small port when you buy the addon, it will be automatically equipped. Otherwise, you will need to go to the Manage Ship tab to equip it. As usual, statistics for the selected weapon can be seen in the panel to the right. Some of the things you can buy in this tab are Small-port weapons, certain Small-port mining equipment, and some of the Storm radar extenders.
Large Addons
Much as above, this screen lets your purchase addons to put in a Large port. Again, if you have an empty large port when you buy the addon, it will be automatically equipped. Otherwise, you will need to go to the Manage Ship tab to equip it. Some of the things you can buy in this tab are Large-port weapons, most Mining beams, and some of the Storm radar extenders.
Other Addons
The final purchasing screen is somewhat cryptically entitled "Other". Currently, the only addons available for purchase on this page are Powercells, which are required to launch a ship. As usual, if you currently selected ship has an empty Powercell port, your purchase will be automatically equipped. Otherwise, you will need to go to the Manage Ship tab to equip it.