API CheckStorageAndUnloadCargo

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Revision as of 06:08, 18 October 2011 by Draugath (Talk | contribs)

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{{Function | name = CheckStorageAndUnloadCargo | desc = Unload cargo items and quantities according to the provided table also checks station storage and pops up a dialog if not enough available | arg1_type = table | arg1_desc = {{number itemid, number quantity} ..}<nowiki><br> ''itemid'' = [[itemid]] of cargo item<br> ''quantity'' = amount of this cargo to unload | arg2_name = cb | arg2_type = function | arg2_desc = optional function to call on success | arg2_opt = true | ret1_type = nil | notes = '''Example:'''<br> <source lang="lua">CheckStorageAndUnloadCargo{{itemid=1234, quantity=2}, {itemid=1235, quantity=3}}</source><br> unload 2 units of the cargo with the itemid 1234 and 3 with the id 1235 }}