Difference between revisions of "API Interface Index"

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(12 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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'''[[API_ChatLogTemplate|ChatLogTemplate]]'''(string bg, string scrolledbg, function updatecb, string editbg, bool clickable) -> table container :: Create rudimentary chet container. See [[ChatLogTemplate]]
'''[[API_ChatLogTemplate|ChatLogTemplate]]'''(string bg, string scrolledbg, function updatecb, string editbg, bool clickable) -> table container :: Create rudimentary chet container. See [[ChatLogTemplate]]
'''[[API_CreateBig3DViewMenu|CreateBig3DViewMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create [[API_Index#Big3DViewDialog|Big3DViewDialog]] a [[Big3DViewDialog]]
'''[[API_CreateBig3DViewMenu|CreateBig3DViewMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create [[Big3DViewDialog]]
'''[[API_CreateCancelLoadoutMenu|CreateCancelLoadoutMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See [[MessageDialog]]
'''[[API_CreateCancelLoadoutMenu|CreateCancelLoadoutMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See [[MessageDialog]]
Line 18: Line 18:
'''[[API_CreateCapShipRepairTab|CreateCapShipRepairTab]]'''() -> userdata box ::  
'''[[API_CreateCapShipRepairTab|CreateCapShipRepairTab]]'''() -> userdata box ::  
'''[[API_CreateCapShipShiplessChatTab|CreateCapShipShiplessChatTab]]'''() -> userdata box :: Create box with "Ship Com" tab. See [[ChatLogTemplate]]
'''[[API_CreateCapShipShiplessFactionInfo|CreateCapShipShiplessFactionInfo]]'''() -> userdata box ::
'''[[API_CreateCapShipShiplessPDATab|CreateCapShipShiplessPDATab]]'''() -> userdata box ::
'''[[API_CreateCapShipShiplessTacticalTab|CreateCapShipShiplessTacticalTab]]'''() -> userdata box ::
'''[[API_CreateCapShipTacticalTab|CreateCapShipTacticalTab]]'''() -> userdata box ::  
'''[[API_CreateCapShipTacticalTab|CreateCapShipTacticalTab]]'''() -> userdata box ::  
Line 24: Line 32:
'''[[API_CreateCharCreateFailedMenu|CreateCharCreateFailedMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See [[MessageDialog]]
'''[[API_CreateCharCreateFailedMenu|CreateCharCreateFailedMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See [[MessageDialog]]
The created variant pops up [[API_Index#CharCreateDialog|CharCreateDialog]] after clicking the button
The created variant pops up [[CharCreateDialog]] after clicking the button
'''[[API_CreateCharCreateMenu|CreateCharCreateMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog ::  
'''[[API_CreateCharCreateMenu|CreateCharCreateMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog ::  
'''[[API_CreateCharSelectFailedMenu|CreateCharSelectFailedMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See [[MessageDialog]]
'''[[API_CreateCharSelectFailedMenu|CreateCharSelectFailedMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See [[MessageDialog]]
The created variant pops up [[API_Index#CharSelectDialog|CharSelectDialog]] after clicking the button
The created variant pops up [[CharSelectDialog]] after clicking the button
'''[[API_CreateCharSelectMenu|CreateCharSelectMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog ::  
'''[[API_CreateCharSelectMenu|CreateCharSelectMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog ::  
Line 43: Line 51:
'''[[API_CreateEULAMenu|CreateEULAMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog ::  
'''[[API_CreateEULAMenu|CreateEULAMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog ::  
'''[[API_CreateFriendKeysPDATab|CreateFriendKeysPDATab]]'''() -> userdata container ::
'''[[API_CreateInvalidAmountMenu|CreateInvalidAmountMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See [[msgdlgtemplate1]]
'''[[API_CreateInvalidAmountMenu|CreateInvalidAmountMenu]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See [[msgdlgtemplate1]]
Line 146: Line 156:
'''[[API_FactionStandingTemplate|FactionStandingTemplate]]'''(function cb, frame, filler, string expand) -> userdata container :: Creates a container with a list of faction standings of a character. Details: [[FactionStandingTemplate]]
'''[[API_FactionStandingTemplate|FactionStandingTemplate]]'''(function cb, frame, filler, string expand) -> userdata container :: Creates a container with a list of faction standings of a character. Details: [[FactionStandingTemplate]]
'''[[API_FactionStandingWithInfoTemplate|FactionStandingWithInfoTemplate]]'''() -> userdata container :: Wrapper around [[API_Index#FactionStandingTemplate|FactionStandingTemplate]] that adds faction descriptions to the list.
'''[[API_FactionStandingWithInfoTemplate|FactionStandingWithInfoTemplate]]'''() -> userdata container :: Wrapper around [[API_FactionStandingTemplate|FactionStandingTemplate]] that adds faction descriptions to the list.
'''[[API_FadeControl|FadeControl]]'''(userdata control, int timetofade, float startalpha, endalpha, function cb, ...) -> nil :: Fade an iup control by modifying its alpha field. Usually a label.
'''[[API_FadeControl|FadeControl]]'''(userdata control, int timetofade, float startalpha, endalpha, function cb, ...) -> nil :: Fade an iup control by modifying its alpha field. Usually a label.
Line 158: Line 168:
'''[[API_FillInPlayerInfo|FillInPlayerInfo]]'''(int charid) -> nil :: Fill character info dialog with info of given character
'''[[API_FillInPlayerInfo|FillInPlayerInfo]]'''(int charid) -> nil :: Fill character info dialog with info of given character
'''[[API_GetChatLogReadState|GetChatLogReadState]]'''() -> bool read :: Tell if the general chat log was displayed. [[API_Index#SetChatLogRead|SetChatLogRead]] was called since the last line was added to the log.
'''[[API_GetChatLogReadState|GetChatLogReadState]]'''() -> bool read :: Tell if the general chat log was displayed. [[API_SetChatLogRead|SetChatLogRead]] was called since the last line was added to the log.
'''[[API_GetCurrentChatTab|GetCurrentChatTab]]'''() -> int tab :: Unused. Get The current chat tab (general chat or mission chat)
'''[[API_GetCurrentChatTab|GetCurrentChatTab]]'''() -> int tab :: Unused. Get The current chat tab (general chat or mission chat)
'''[[API_GetMissionLogReadState|GetMissionLogReadState]]'''GetMissiontLogReadState() -> bool read :: Tell if the mission chat/advanmcement log was displayed. [[API_Index#SetMissionLogRead|SetMissionLogRead]] was called since the last line was added to the log.
'''[[API_GetMissionLogReadState|GetMissionLogReadState]]'''GetMissiontLogReadState() -> bool read :: Tell if the mission chat/advanmcement log was displayed. [[API_SetMissionLogRead|SetMissionLogRead]] was called since the last line was added to the log.
'''[[API_GetProfitColor|GetProfitColor]]'''(int price, cost) -> string color :: get color depending on the given prices
'''[[API_GetProfitColor|GetProfitColor]]'''(int price, cost) -> string color :: get color depending on the given prices
Line 168: Line 178:
'''[[API_GetProfitHexColor|GetProfitHexColor]]'''(int price, cost) -> string color :: get color in hex format depending on the given prices
'''[[API_GetProfitHexColor|GetProfitHexColor]]'''(int price, cost) -> string color :: get color in hex format depending on the given prices
'''[[API_GetStationLogReadState|GetStationLogReadState]]'''() -> bool read :: Tell if the stationlog/bar was displayed. [[API_Index#SetStationLogRead|SetStationLogRead]] was called since the last line was added to the log.
'''[[API_GetStationLogReadState|GetStationLogReadState]]'''() -> bool read :: Tell if the stationlog/bar was displayed. [[API_SetStationLogRead|SetStationLogRead]] was called since the last line was added to the log.
'''[[API_HUDSize|HUDSize]]'''(float x, y) -> string size :: Translate HUD dimensions from percentage values into a size string.
'''[[API_HelpCharAccom|HelpCharAccom]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpCharAccom|HelpCharAccom]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
Line 177: Line 189:
'''[[API_HelpCharInventory|HelpCharInventory]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpCharInventory|HelpCharInventory]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpCharKeychain|HelpCharKeychain]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpCharStats|HelpCharStats]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpCharStats|HelpCharStats]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpCommoditiesAction|HelpCommoditiesAction]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpCommoditiesAction|HelpCommoditiesAction]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpFriendKeys|HelpFriendKeys]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpGridPower|HelpGridPower]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpGridPower|HelpGridPower]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
Line 248: Line 264:
'''[[API_HelpVoiceChat|HelpVoiceChat]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HelpVoiceChat|HelpVoiceChat]]''' :: [[helpfunc]]
'''[[API_HideAllDialogs|HideAllDialogs]]'''() -> nil :: Hide all dialogs that were shown with [[API_Index#ShowDialog|ShowDialog]] or [[API_Index#PopupDialog|PopupDialog]]
'''[[API_HideAllDialogs|HideAllDialogs]]'''() -> nil :: Hide all dialogs that were shown with [[API_ShowDialog|ShowDialog]] or [[API_PopupDialog|PopupDialog]]
'''[[API_HideDialog|HideDialog]]'''(userdata dialog) -> nil :: Hide a dialog that was shown with [[API_Index#ShowDialog|ShowDialog]] or [[API_Index#PopupDialog|PopupDialog]]
'''[[API_HideDialog|HideDialog]]'''(userdata dialog) -> nil :: Hide a dialog that was shown with [[API_ShowDialog|ShowDialog]] or [[API_PopupDialog|PopupDialog]]
'''[[API_HideTooltip|HideTooltip]]'''() -> nil :: Hide [[API_Index#ToolTip|ToolTip]], the tooltip dialog
'''[[API_HideTooltip|HideTooltip]]'''() -> nil :: Hide [[ToolTip]], the tooltip dialog
'''[[API_PopupDialog|PopupDialog]]'''(userdata dialog, int x, y) -> nil :: Wrapper around [[iup#Popup|iup.Popup]] that allows the dialog to be closed with [[API_Index#HideDialog|HideDialog]] or [[API_Index#HideAllDialogs|HideAllDialogs]]
'''[[API_MakeAssignOwnerKeyDlg|MakeAssignOwnerKeyDlg]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create the assign owner key dialog
'''[[API_ShowDialog|ShowDialog]]'''(userdata dialog, int x, y) -> nil :: Wrapper around [[iup#Show|iup.Show]] that allows the dialog to be closed with [[API_Index#HideDialog|HideDialog]] or [[API_Index#HideAllDialogs|HideAllDialogs]]
'''[[API_MakeKeyInfoDlg|MakeKeyInfoDlg]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: Create the key info dialog
'''[[API_ShowTooltip|ShowTooltip]]'''(int x, y, string text) -> nil :: Show the [[API_Index#ToolTip|ToolTip]] the tooltip dialog with the given text
'''[[API_MakeNewspostListDlg|MakeNewspostListDlg]]'''(userdata parent) -> userdata dialog :: Create the news post list dialog
'''[[API_PopupDialog|PopupDialog]]'''(userdata dialog, int x, y) -> nil :: Wrapper around [[iup#Popup|iup.Popup]] that allows the dialog to be closed with [[API_HideDialog|HideDialog]] or [[API_HideAllDialogs|HideAllDialogs]]
'''[[API_ShowDialog|ShowDialog]]'''(userdata dialog, int x, y) -> nil :: Wrapper around [[iup#Show|iup.Show]] that allows the dialog to be closed with [[API_HideDialog|HideDialog]] or [[API_HideAllDialogs|HideAllDialogs]]
'''[[API_ShowTooltip|ShowTooltip]]'''(int x, y, string text) -> nil :: Show the [[ToolTip]] the tooltip dialog with the given text
'''[[API_StopTutorial|StopTutorial]]'''() -> nil :: does nothing..
'''[[API_StopTutorial|StopTutorial]]'''() -> nil :: does nothing..
Line 290: Line 312:
'''[[API_TutorialPart13|TutorialPart13]]'''() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment
'''[[API_TutorialPart13|TutorialPart13]]'''() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment
'''[[API_UpdateFade|UpdateFade]]'''(float delta) -> nil :: Do a fade step on controls registered with [[API_index#FadeControl|FadeControl]]
'''[[API_UpdateFade|UpdateFade]]'''(float delta) -> nil :: Do a fade step on controls registered with [[API_FadeControl|FadeControl]]
'''[[API_chatareatemplate|chatareatemplate]]'''(string statontabname, bool expanded) -> table container :: create old style chatarea that combines general, mission and station log. the container seems to be incompatible with the [[API_Index#chatareatemplate2|chatareatemplate2]] based maximized chat containers which breaks the maximize button
'''[[API_chatareatemplate|chatareatemplate]]'''(string statontabname, bool expanded) -> table container :: create old style chatarea that combines general, mission and station log. the container seems to be incompatible with the [[API_chatareatemplate2|chatareatemplate2]] based maximized chat containers which breaks the maximize button
'''[[API_chatareatemplate2|chatareatemplate2]]'''(bool maximized) -> userdata box :: create a chatarea control. wrapper around [[API_Index#ChatLogTemplate|ChatLogTemplate]]
'''[[API_chatareatemplate2|chatareatemplate2]]'''(bool maximized, string maxbutton) -> userdata box :: create a chatarea control. wrapper around [[API_ChatLogTemplate|ChatLogTemplate]]
'''[[API_clear_accomlistbox|clear_accomlistbox]]'''(userdata control, table itemlist) -> int selection :: Clear an accomplishment list control. See: [[API_index#AccomplishmentTemplate|AccomplishmentTemplate]]
'''[[API_clear_accomlistbox|clear_accomlistbox]]'''(userdata control, table itemlist) -> int selection :: Clear an accomplishment list control. See: [[API_AccomplishmentTemplate|AccomplishmentTemplate]]
'''[[API_clear_listbox|clear_listbox]]'''(userdata control, table itemlist) -> int selection :: Clear a list control
'''[[API_clear_listbox|clear_listbox]]'''(userdata control, table itemlist) -> int selection :: Clear a list control
Line 305: Line 327:
'''[[API_create_jettison_tab|create_jettison_tab]]'''() -> userdata box ::  
'''[[API_create_jettison_tab|create_jettison_tab]]'''() -> userdata box ::  
'''[[API_create_keychain_tab|create_keychain_tab]]'''() -> userdata tab, treectl :: Create the keychain tab
'''[[API_create_ship_group_template|create_ship_group_template]]'''(table iconlist, bool sub) -> userdata box :: Create weapon groups tab
'''[[API_create_ship_group_template|create_ship_group_template]]'''(table iconlist, bool sub) -> userdata box :: Create weapon groups tab
'''[[API_emailpromptdlgtemplate|emailpromptdlgtemplate]]'''(string b1title, function b1cb, string b2title, function b2cb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a email prompt dialog
'''[[API_factioncontroltemplate3|factioncontroltemplate3]]'''(userdata frame, function cb, float font) -> userdata container :: Create a fancy progressbar/faction standing indicator
'''[[API_factioncontroltemplate3|factioncontroltemplate3]]'''(userdata frame, function cb, float font) -> userdata container :: Create a fancy progressbar/faction standing indicator
'''[[API_fill_accomlistbox|fill_accomlistbox]]'''(userdata control, table itemlist, function setup_cb, click_cb) -> table dialoglist :: fill an accomplishement listbox with [[accomlistsubdialog]]s according to given values. normally called from [[API_Index#AccomplishmentTemplate2|AccomplishmentTemplate2]]
'''[[API_fill_accomlistbox|fill_accomlistbox]]'''(userdata control, table itemlist, function setup_cb, click_cb) -> table dialoglist :: fill an accomplishement listbox with [[accomlistsubdialog]]s according to given values. normally called from [[API_AccomplishmentTemplate2|AccomplishmentTemplate2]]
'''[[API_fill_listbox|fill_listbox]]'''(userdata control, table itemlist, int curselindex, function setup_cb, bool show_quantity, show_price) -> table dialoglist :: fill a listbox with [[listsubdialog]]s according to given values
'''[[API_fill_listbox|fill_listbox]]'''(userdata control, table itemlist, int curselindex, function setup_cb, bool show_quantity, show_price) -> table dialoglist :: fill a listbox with [[listsubdialog]]s according to given values
Line 327: Line 354:
'''[[API_guildbanklogdialogtemplate|guildbanklogdialogtemplate]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: create guild bank dialog
'''[[API_guildbanklogdialogtemplate|guildbanklogdialogtemplate]]'''() -> userdata dialog :: create guild bank dialog
'''[[API_listpromptdlgtemplate|listpromptdlgtemplate]]'''(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a title and a listbox
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate1|msgdlgtemplate1]]'''(string msg, buttontext, function button_cb, string size, posx, posy, bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate1|msgdlgtemplate1]]'''(string msg, buttontext, function button_cb, string size, posx, posy, bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate1a|msgdlgtemplate1a]]'''(string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Create a dialog and optionally disable input to the background except to the given control.
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate1a|msgdlgtemplate1a]]'''(string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Create a dialog and optionally disable input to the background except to the given control.
Note: if a control is given display the dialog with :show_all() if not use [[API_Index#ShowDialog|ShowDialog]] or :show()
Note: if a control is given display the dialog with :show_all() if not use [[API_ShowDialog|ShowDialog]] or :show()
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate1aDone|msgdlgtemplate1aDone]]'''(function button_cb, string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Same as [[API_Index#msgdlgtemplate1a|msgdlgtemplate1a]] but with a "Close" button
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate1aDone|msgdlgtemplate1aDone]]'''(function button_cb, string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Same as [[API_msgdlgtemplate1a|msgdlgtemplate1a]] but with a "Close" button
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate1aNext|msgdlgtemplate1aNext]]'''(function button_cb, string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Same as [[API_Index#msgdlgtemplate1a|msgdlgtemplate1a]] but with a "Next" button
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate1aNext|msgdlgtemplate1aNext]]'''(function button_cb, string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Same as [[API_msgdlgtemplate1a|msgdlgtemplate1a]] but with a "Next" button
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate2|msgdlgtemplate2]]'''(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb, string bgcolor, alignment) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons and a message
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate2|msgdlgtemplate2]]'''(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb, string bgcolor, alignment) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons and a message
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate2withcheck|msgdlgtemplate2withcheck]]'''(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a checkbox and a message
'''[[API_msgdlgtemplate2withcheck|msgdlgtemplate2withcheck]]'''(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a checkbox and a message
'''[[API_msgpromptdlgtemplate2|msgpromptdlgtemplate2]]'''(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, an entry field and a message
'''[[API_msgpromptdlgtemplate2|msgpromptdlgtemplate2]]'''(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, an entry field and a message
'''[[API_msgpromptdlgtemplate2|msgpromptdlgtemplate2]]'''(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, an entry field and a message
'''[[API_msgpromptdlgtemplate2lines|msgpromptdlgtemplate2lines]]'''(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, two entry fields and two messages
'''[[API_msgpromptdlgtemplate2lines|msgpromptdlgtemplate2lines]]'''(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, two entry fields and two messages
'''[[API_msgpromptdlgtemplateml|msgpromptdlgtemplateml]]'''(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a multiline entry field and a message
'''[[API_multidlgtemplate1|multidlgtemplate1]]'''(string msg, msg2, string buttontitle, function cb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with a button and two messages (one in a [[iup#multiline|multiline]] control)
'''[[API_multidlgtemplate2|multidlgtemplate2]]'''(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons and two messages (one in a [[iup#multiline|multiline]] control)
'''[[API_multidlgtemplate2|multidlgtemplate2]]'''(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons and two messages (one in a [[iup#multiline|multiline]] control)
'''[[API_multilistdlgtemplate|multilistdlgtemplate]]'''(string msg, msg2, table tbl, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a dialog title, a dropdown menu, a title for the dropdown menu and a listbox
'''[[API_navmenu_template|navmenu_template]]'''(bool showjumpbutton, function close_cb, bool issubsub) -> userdata container, distancetext, jumpbutton, zoombutton, undolastbutton  :: Create a control with a navmenu description box and some control buttons
'''[[API_navmenu_template|navmenu_template]]'''(bool showjumpbutton, function close_cb, bool issubsub) -> userdata container, distancetext, jumpbutton, zoombutton, undolastbutton  :: Create a control with a navmenu description box and some control buttons
'''[[API_setup_accomrow|setup_accomrow]]'''(int index, table itemlist, userdata subdlg, function click_cb) -> int newindex :: Initializes a list item in an accomplishment list. (used as setup_cb argument of [[API_Index#fill_accomlistbox|fill_accomlistbox]])
'''[[API_setup_accomrow|setup_accomrow]]'''(int index, table itemlist, userdata subdlg, function click_cb) -> int newindex :: Initializes a list item in an accomplishment list. (used as setup_cb argument of [[API_fill_accomlistbox|fill_accomlistbox]])
'''[[API_singletab_template|singletab_template]]'''(string title, userdata contents) -> userdata tab :: Wrap a control into a tab like frame
'''[[API_singletab_template|singletab_template]]'''(string title, userdata contents) -> userdata tab :: Wrap a control into a tab like frame
Line 359: Line 392:
'''[[API_store_jettisonitemdlg|store_jettisonitemdlg]]'''(userdata dlg) -> nil :: Store a reference to an jettisonlist subdialog in the jettison dialog cache
'''[[API_store_jettisonitemdlg|store_jettisonitemdlg]]'''(userdata dlg) -> nil :: Store a reference to an jettisonlist subdialog in the jettison dialog cache
'''[[API_testsurvey|testsurvey]]'''(userdata dlg) -> nil :: Test function for the survey feature
'''[[API_testsurvey|testsurvey]]'''() -> nil :: Test function for the survey feature
== Tables ==
== Tables ==
'''[[CapShipLog]]''' :: table with parts of a cap ship chat area.
'''[[CapShipLog]]''' :: table with parts of a cap ship chat area.
'''[[CapShipShiplessLog]]''' :: table with parts of a cap ship chat area. variant for players without ships.
'''[[Font]]''' :: table that maps font names to sizes
'''[[Font]]''' :: table that maps font names to sizes
Line 406: Line 442:
'''MAX_ACCOMICONS''' -> 20 :: number of ribbons to show in char info(?)
'''MAX_ACCOMICONS''' -> 20 :: number of ribbons to show in char info(?)
'''SensorSort''' -> 1: Name 2: Faction 3: Ship 4: Distance :: Current sort order of nearby ship list
'''ShowLogoffDialog''' ->  :: show logoff confirmation dialog if true
'''ShowLogoffDialog''' ->  :: show logoff confirmation dialog if true
Line 411: Line 449:
'''ShowSetHomeDialog''' ->  :: show homing confirmation dialog if true
'''ShowSetHomeDialog''' ->  :: show homing confirmation dialog if true
'''SI_unit''' -> 1: unformatted 2: xxx xxx,xx; 3: xxx,xxx.xx :: number format
'''SI_unit''' -> 1: unformatted 2: xxx xxx,xx 3: xxx,xxx.xx :: number format
'''SortItems''' -> 1: Name; 2: Price3: Group>Name>Price; 4: Group>Price>Name :: sort order for lists
'''SortItems''' -> 1: Name 2: Price 3: Group>Name>Price 4: Group>Price>Name :: sort order for lists
'''defaulttutorialbgcolor''' -> "0 0 0 64 *" :: color of the not highlighted parts while the tutorial is active(?)
'''defaulttutorialbgcolor''' -> "0 0 0 64 *" :: color of the not highlighted parts while the tutorial is active(?)
Line 419: Line 457:
'''tabseltextcolor''' -> "1 241 255" :: color of selected tab
'''tabseltextcolor''' -> "1 241 255" :: color of selected tab
'''tabunseltextcolor''' -> "0 185 199"" :: color of unselected tab
'''tabunseltextcolor''' -> "0 185 199" :: color of unselected tab
'''targetshield_percentage_color''' -> "00e0ff" :: color of shield percentage value in the target health bar
== Userdata ==
== Userdata ==
Line 425: Line 466:
'''[[AskForgivenessDialog]]''' :: the forgive dialog. see [[QuestionDialog]]
'''[[AskForgivenessDialog]]''' :: the forgive dialog. see [[QuestionDialog]]
'''[[Big3DViewDialog]]''' :: dialog that is shown after clicking on the maximize button in the "Ship"->"Buy->"Buy Ship" tab. created with [[API_Index#CreateBig3DViewMenu|CreateBig3DViewMenu]]
'''[[AssignOwnerKeyDialog]]''' :: assign owner key dialog
'''[[Big3DViewDialog]]''' :: dialog that is shown after clicking on the maximize button in the "Ship"->"Buy->"Buy Ship" tab. created with [[API_CreateBig3DViewMenu|CreateBig3DViewMenu]]
'''[[BuybackQuestionPrompt]]''' :: dialog that is shown when arriving at the home station after dieing
'''[[BuybackQuestionPrompt]]''' :: dialog that is shown when arriving at the home station after dieing
'''[[CancelLoadoutPurchaseDialog]]''' :: "Purchasing ..." dialog that is shown while buying a preset. created with [[API_Index#CreateCancelLoadoutMenu|CreateCancelLoadoutMenu]]
'''[[CancelLoadoutPurchaseDialog]]''' :: "Purchasing ..." dialog that is shown while buying a preset. created with [[API_CreateCancelLoadoutMenu|CreateCancelLoadoutMenu]]
'''[[CapShipChatArea]]''' :: vbox with contents the cap ship interface chat area (entry, log, radios ...)
'''[[CapShipChatArea]]''' :: vbox with contents the cap ship interface chat area (entry, log, radios ...)
Line 435: Line 478:
'''[[CapShipChatTab]]''' :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Ship Com" tab
'''[[CapShipChatTab]]''' :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Ship Com" tab
'''[[StationCurrentLocationInfo]]''' :: label in the top right corner of the cap ship interface with the current system and sector name
'''[[CapShipCurrentLocationInfo]]''' :: label in the top right corner of the cap ship interface with the current system and sector name
'''[[StationDialog]]''' :: the base dialog of the cap ship interface
'''[[CapShipDialog]]''' :: the base dialog of the cap ship interface
'''[[CapShipFactionInfo]]''' :: vbox in the cap ship interface with faction information. contains [[API_Index#CapShipNameLabel]] and [[API_Index#CapShipNameInfo]]. created with [[API_Index#CreateCapShipFactionInfo|CreateCapShipFactionInfo]]
'''[[CapShipFactionInfo]]''' :: vbox in the cap ship interface with faction information. contains [[CapShipNameLabel]] and [[CapShipNameInfo]]. created with [[API_CreateCapShipFactionInfo|CreateCapShipFactionInfo]]
'''[[CapShipFactionLabel]]''' :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the faction that owns the current cap ship ("a ... ship")
'''[[CapShipFactionLabel]]''' :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the faction that owns the current cap ship ("a ... ship")
Line 449: Line 492:
'''[[CapShipOptionsButton]]''' :: button in the cap ship interface that opens the options dialog
'''[[CapShipOptionsButton]]''' :: button in the cap ship interface that opens the options dialog
'''[[CapShipPDACharacterTab]]''' :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab  
'''[[CapShipPDACharacterStatsTab]]''' :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab  
'''[[CapShipPDACharacterTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character" tab  
'''[[CapShipPDACharacterTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character" tab  
Line 481: Line 524:
'''[[CapShipPDAShipTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab  
'''[[CapShipPDAShipTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab  
'''[[CapShipRepairTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Repair/Refill" tab. created with [[API_Index#CreateCapShipRepairTab|CreateCapShipRepairTab]]
'''[[CapShipRepairTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Repair/Refill" tab. created with [[API_CreateCapShipRepairTab|CreateCapShipRepairTab]]
'''[[CapShipSecondaryInfo]]''' :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the cap ship interface
'''[[CapShipSecondaryInfo]]''' :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the cap ship interface
'''[[CapShipTabPDA]]''' :: box with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA" tab. created with [[API_Index#CreateCapShipPDATab|CreateCapShipPDATab]]
'''[[CapShipTabPDA]]''' :: box with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA" tab. created with [[API_CreateCapShipPDATab|CreateCapShipPDATab]]
'''[[CapShipTabs]]''' :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface tabs  
'''[[CapShipTabs]]''' :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface tabs  
'''[[CapShipTacticalTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical" tab. created with [[API_Index#CreateCapShipTacticalTab|CreateCapShipTacticalTab]]
'''[[CapShipTacticalTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical" tab. created with [[API_CreateCapShipTacticalTab|CreateCapShipTacticalTab]]
'''[[CapShipTurretTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Turrets" tab. created with [[API_Index#CreateCapShipTurretTab|CreateCapShipTurretTab]]
'''[[CapShipTurretTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Turrets" tab. created with [[API_CreateCapShipTurretTab|CreateCapShipTurretTab]]
'''[[CapShipShiplessChatArea]]''' :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface chat area (entry, log, radios ...)
'''[[CapShipShiplessChatTab]]''' :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Ship Com" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessCurrentLocationInfo]]''' :: label in the top right corner of the cap ship interface with the current system and sector name
'''[[CapShipShiplessDialog]]''' :: the base dialog of the cap ship interface
'''[[CapShipShiplessFactionInfo]]''' :: vbox in the cap ship interface with faction information. contains [[CapShipShiplessNameLabel]] and [[CapShipShiplessNameInfo]]. created with [[API_CreateCapShipShiplessFactionInfo|CreateCapShipShiplessFactionInfo]]
'''[[CapShipShiplessFactionLabel]]''' :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the faction that owns the current cap ship ("a ... ship")
'''[[CapShipShiplessLeaveButton]]''' :: button in the cap ship interface that launches the ship
'''[[CapShipShiplessNameLabel]]''' :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the current cap ship (top right)
'''[[CapShipShiplessOptionsButton]]''' :: button in the cap ship interface that opens the options dialog
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDACharacterStatsTab]]''' :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDACharacterTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDACommTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Comm" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAInventoryInventoryTab]]''' :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Inventory" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAInventoryJettisonTab]]''' :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Cargo" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAInventoryTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAMissionAdvancementTab]]''' :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Advancement Logs" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAMissionBoardTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAMissionBoardTabInfoButton]]''' :: button in the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab to request mission info
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAMissionLogTab]]''' :: hbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Logs" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAMissionNotesTab]]''' :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Notes" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAMissionsTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDASensorNearbyTab]]''' :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log"->"Nearby Ships" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDASensorTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAShipNavigationTab]]''' :: hbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation"->"Navigation" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessPDAShipTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab
'''[[CapShipShiplessSecondaryInfo]]''' :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the cap ship interface
'''[[CapShipShiplessTabPDA]]''' :: box with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA" tab. created with [[API_CreateCapShipShiplessPDATab|CreateCapShipShiplessPDATab]]
'''[[CapShipShiplessTabs]]''' :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface tabs
'''[[CapShipShiplessTacticalTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical" tab. created with [[API_CreateCapShipShiplessTacticalTab|CreateCapShipShiplessTacticalTab]]
'''[[CapShipShiplessTurretTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Turrets" tab. created with [[API_CreateCapShipShiplessTurretTab|CreateCapShipShiplessTurretTab]]
'''[[CharCreateDialog]]''' :: the character creation dialog
'''[[CharCreateDialog]]''' :: the character creation dialog
'''[[CharCreateFailedDialog]]''' :: error dialog that is shown the character creation failed. created with [[API_Index#CreateCharCreateFailedMenu|CreateCharCreateFailedMenu]]
'''[[CharCreateFailedDialog]]''' :: error dialog that is shown the character creation failed. created with [[API_CreateCharCreateFailedMenu|CreateCharCreateFailedMenu]]
'''[[CharDeleteVerifierConfirmButton]]''' :: continue button in [[API_Index#CharDeleteVerifierDialog]]
'''[[CharDeleteVerifierConfirmButton]]''' :: continue button in [[CharDeleteVerifierDialog]]
'''[[CharDeleteVerifierDialog]]''' :: the verification dialog that shown by the "Delete Character" button
'''[[CharDeleteVerifierDialog]]''' :: the verification dialog that shown by the "Delete Character" button
'''[[CharDeleteVerifierEditbox]]''' :: entry in [[API_Index#CharDeleteVerifierDialog]]
'''[[CharDeleteVerifierEditbox]]''' :: entry in [[CharDeleteVerifierDialog]]
'''[[CharInfoDialog]]''' :: the character info dialog. opened with k in space.  
'''[[CharInfoDialog]]''' :: the character info dialog. opened with k in space.  
Line 507: Line 612:
'''[[CharSelectDialog]]''' :: the character selection dialog.
'''[[CharSelectDialog]]''' :: the character selection dialog.
'''[[CharSelectFailedDialog]]''' :: error dialog with title "Character selection failed". created with [[API_Index#CreateCharSelectFailedMenu|CreateCharSelectFailedMenu]]
'''[[CharSelectFailedDialog]]''' :: error dialog with title "Character selection failed". created with [[API_CreateCharSelectFailedMenu|CreateCharSelectFailedMenu]]
'''[[ChatColorOptionsDialog]]''' :: dialog opened via "Options"->"Interface"->"Chat Color Settings"
'''[[ChatColorOptionsDialog]]''' :: dialog opened via "Options"->"Interface"->"Chat Color Settings"
Line 513: Line 618:
'''[[ConfirmationDialog]]''' :: dialog with an ok button. no clue where it's used
'''[[ConfirmationDialog]]''' :: dialog with an ok button. no clue where it's used
'''[[ConnectingDialog]]''' :: "Connecting..." dialog shown during login. created with [[API_Index#CreateConnectingMenu|CreateConnectingMenu]]
'''[[ConnectingDialog]]''' :: "Connecting..." dialog shown during login. created with [[API_CreateConnectingMenu|CreateConnectingMenu]]
'''[[CreditsDialog]]''' :: dialog with credits. opened with the credits button at the log in prompt
'''[[CreditsDialog]]''' :: dialog with credits. opened with the credits button at the log in prompt
Line 526: Line 631:
'''[[InvalidAmountDialog]]''' :: error dialog with the text "Invalud Amount". no idea where it's used
'''[[InvalidAmountDialog]]''' :: error dialog with the text "Invalud Amount". no idea where it's used
'''[[KeyInfoDialog]]''' :: the key info dialog
'''[[LoadingDialog]]''' :: dialog with the loading screen that is shown during sector load
'''[[LoadingDialog]]''' :: dialog with the loading screen that is shown during sector load
Line 534: Line 641:
'''[[MaximizedCapShipChat]]''' :: dialog with the maximized cap ship chat
'''[[MaximizedCapShipChat]]''' :: dialog with the maximized cap ship chat
'''[[MaximizedGunnerWaitChat]]''' :: dialog with the maximized chat log that is shown after accepting an invitation to be a gunner 
'''[[MaximizedSpaceChat]]''' :: dialog with the maximized space chat
'''[[MaximizedSpaceChat]]''' :: dialog with the maximized space chat
Line 655: Line 764:
'''[[StationEquipmentTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the "Ship" tab
'''[[StationEquipmentTab]]''' :: frame with contents of the "Ship" tab
'''[[StationFactionInfo]]''' :: vbox in the station window with faction information. contains [[API_Index#StationNameLabel]] and [[API_Index#StationNameInfo]]. created with [[API_Index#CreateStationFactionInfo|CreateStationFactionInfo]]
'''[[StationFactionInfo]]''' :: vbox in the station window with faction information. contains [[StationNameLabel]] and [[StationNameInfo]]. created with [[API_CreateStationFactionInfo|CreateStationFactionInfo]]
'''[[StationFactionLabel]]''' :: label in the station window with the name of the faction that owns the current station ("a ... station")
'''[[StationFactionLabel]]''' :: label in the station window with the name of the faction that owns the current station ("a ... station")
Line 715: Line 824:
'''[[VoiceChatOptions]]''' :: dialog with voice chat options
'''[[VoiceChatOptions]]''' :: dialog with voice chat options
'''[[emailpromptdlg]]''' :: a [[API_emailpromptdlg|emailpromptdlg]] for sending friend key<br>
'''[[shipcargolabel]]''' :: label in the "Load/Unload" tab with number of cu and mass of cargo on the ship<br>
'''[[shipcargolabel]]''' :: label in the "Load/Unload" tab with number of cu and mass of cargo on the ship<br>
'''[[target_health_percentages]]''' :: label on top of the target health bar with health and shield strength in percent<br>

Latest revision as of 22:25, 1 May 2010


AccomplishmentTemplate(function cb(string desc)) -> userdate box :: Create box with accomplishment icons (targetinfo dialog). see: AccomplishmentTemplate

AccomplishmentTemplate2(function cb(string desc, int type, level)) -> userdate box :: Create list with accomplishment icons (pda playerinfo dialog). see: AccomplishmentTemplate

ChatLogTemplate(string bg, string scrolledbg, function updatecb, string editbg, bool clickable) -> table container :: Create rudimentary chet container. See ChatLogTemplate

CreateBig3DViewMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create Big3DViewDialog

CreateCancelLoadoutMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See MessageDialog

CreateCapShipChatTab() -> userdata box :: Create box with "Ship Com" tab. See ChatLogTemplate

CreateCapShipFactionInfo() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipRepairTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipShiplessChatTab() -> userdata box :: Create box with "Ship Com" tab. See ChatLogTemplate

CreateCapShipShiplessFactionInfo() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipShiplessPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipShiplessTacticalTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipTacticalTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipTurretTab() -> userdata box, button :: Create CapShipTurretTab and the select button

CreateCharCreateFailedMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See MessageDialog The created variant pops up CharCreateDialog after clicking the button

CreateCharCreateMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateCharSelectFailedMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See MessageDialog The created variant pops up CharSelectDialog after clicking the button

CreateCharSelectMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateCharacterPDATab() -> userdata box, tab1, tab2, tab3 ::

CreateCommPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateConnectingMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See MessageDialog The created variant logs out after clicking the button

CreateCreditsDialog(userdata parent) -> userdata dialog :: Create credits dialog

CreateEULAMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateFriendKeysPDATab() -> userdata container ::

CreateInvalidAmountMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See msgdlgtemplate1

CreateInventoryPDATab() -> userdata dialog, tab1, tab2 ::

CreateKilledByPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateKilledPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateLoadingMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateLoginDialog() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateLoginHelpDialog(userdata parent) -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with help text for the login screen and a close button

CreateLowGridPowerDialog() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with low grid power error

CreateMissionAbortMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateMissionPromptMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateMissionsPDATab() -> userdata box, tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, infobutton ::

CreateNavigationPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateNearbyShipsPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateNewsMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateNotEnoughStorageMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See msgdlgtemplate1

CreateNotificationMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateOptionsMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreatePDA() -> userdata dialog ::

CreatePDATab1() -> userdata box ::

CreatePVPTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateQuantityPurchaseMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateSensorPDATab() -> userdata box, tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5 ::

CreateShipCargoPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateShipPDATab() -> userdata box, tab1 ::

CreateStation() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateStationBlankTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationChatTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommerceTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommoditiesBuyTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommoditiesLoadTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommoditiesSellTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommoditiesTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationEquipmentBuyTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationEquipmentManageTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationEquipmentSellTab() -> userdata box :: Unused. Creates old equipment sell tab.

CreateStationEquipmentTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationFactionInfo() -> userdata dialog :: Create StationFactionInfo

CreateStationHelpMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateStationMissionBuyTab() -> userdata box, button ::

CreateStationPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationPortConfigTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationShipPurchaseTab() -> userdata box, button ::

CreateStationShipSelectionTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationShipStatusTab() -> userdata box :: Unused. Creates old ship status tab.

CreateStationVisitsPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationWelcomeTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStorageRentalDialog() -> userdata dialog :: Create storage rental dialog

CreateSurveyMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateTargetInfo() -> userdata box ::

CreateVoiceChatOptions() -> userdata dialog :: Create Voicechat options dialog

FactionStandingTemplate(function cb, frame, filler, string expand) -> userdata container :: Creates a container with a list of faction standings of a character. Details: FactionStandingTemplate

FactionStandingWithInfoTemplate() -> userdata container :: Wrapper around FactionStandingTemplate that adds faction descriptions to the list.

FadeControl(userdata control, int timetofade, float startalpha, endalpha, function cb, ...) -> nil :: Fade an iup control by modifying its alpha field. Usually a label.

FadeLookup(userdata control) -> table fi :: Get a fade info table of a control that is currently being faded.

FadeStop(userdata control) -> nil :: Stop fading a control

FillInObjectInfo(string name, desc) -> nil :: Put given name and description into the character info dialog

FillInPlayerInfo(int charid) -> nil :: Fill character info dialog with info of given character

GetChatLogReadState() -> bool read :: Tell if the general chat log was displayed. SetChatLogRead was called since the last line was added to the log.

GetCurrentChatTab() -> int tab :: Unused. Get The current chat tab (general chat or mission chat)

GetMissionLogReadStateGetMissiontLogReadState() -> bool read :: Tell if the mission chat/advanmcement log was displayed. SetMissionLogRead was called since the last line was added to the log.

GetProfitColor(int price, cost) -> string color :: get color depending on the given prices

GetProfitHexColor(int price, cost) -> string color :: get color in hex format depending on the given prices

GetStationLogReadState() -> bool read :: Tell if the stationlog/bar was displayed. SetStationLogRead was called since the last line was added to the log.

HUDSize(float x, y) -> string size :: Translate HUD dimensions from percentage values into a size string.

HelpCharAccom :: helpfunc

HelpCharFaction :: helpfunc

HelpCharGuild :: helpfunc

HelpCharInventory :: helpfunc

HelpCharKeychain :: helpfunc

HelpCharStats :: helpfunc

HelpCommoditiesAction :: helpfunc

HelpFriendKeys :: helpfunc

HelpGridPower :: helpfunc

HelpIgnore :: helpfunc

HelpLargeAddonsAction :: helpfunc

HelpOtherAddonsAction :: helpfunc

HelpPDAAdvancementLog :: helpfunc

HelpPDAJettison :: helpfunc

HelpPDAKilledByList :: helpfunc

HelpPDAKilledList :: helpfunc

HelpPDAMissionLog :: helpfunc

HelpPDAMissionNotes :: helpfunc

HelpPDANearbyShips :: helpfunc

HelpPDAPVPList :: helpfunc

HelpPDAStationVisitsList :: helpfunc

HelpSellAction :: helpfunc

HelpSellAddons :: helpfunc

HelpSellCommodities :: helpfunc

HelpShipAmmo :: helpfunc

HelpShipCargo :: helpfunc

HelpShipEquip :: helpfunc

HelpShipGroup :: helpfunc

HelpShipPurchase :: helpfunc

HelpShipSelect :: helpfunc

HelpShipStatus :: helpfunc

HelpSmallAddonsAction :: helpfunc

HelpStationAddonEquip :: helpfunc

HelpStationAddonGroups :: helpfunc

HelpStationBuddies :: helpfunc

HelpStationMission :: helpfunc

HelpStationNav :: helpfunc

HelpStationNews :: helpfunc

HelpStationWelcome :: helpfunc

HelpSystemNotes :: helpfunc

HelpVoiceChat :: helpfunc

HideAllDialogs() -> nil :: Hide all dialogs that were shown with ShowDialog or PopupDialog

HideDialog(userdata dialog) -> nil :: Hide a dialog that was shown with ShowDialog or PopupDialog

HideTooltip() -> nil :: Hide ToolTip, the tooltip dialog

MakeAssignOwnerKeyDlg() -> userdata dialog :: Create the assign owner key dialog

MakeKeyInfoDlg() -> userdata dialog :: Create the key info dialog

MakeNewspostListDlg(userdata parent) -> userdata dialog :: Create the news post list dialog

PopupDialog(userdata dialog, int x, y) -> nil :: Wrapper around iup.Popup that allows the dialog to be closed with HideDialog or HideAllDialogs

ShowDialog(userdata dialog, int x, y) -> nil :: Wrapper around iup.Show that allows the dialog to be closed with HideDialog or HideAllDialogs

ShowTooltip(int x, y, string text) -> nil :: Show the ToolTip the tooltip dialog with the given text

StopTutorial() -> nil :: does nothing..

TutorialEnd() -> nil :: finish up the tutorial

TutorialPart1() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart2() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart3() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart4() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart5() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart6() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart7() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart8() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart9() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart10() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart11() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart12() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart13() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

UpdateFade(float delta) -> nil :: Do a fade step on controls registered with FadeControl

chatareatemplate(string statontabname, bool expanded) -> table container :: create old style chatarea that combines general, mission and station log. the container seems to be incompatible with the chatareatemplate2 based maximized chat containers which breaks the maximize button

chatareatemplate2(bool maximized, string maxbutton) -> userdata box :: create a chatarea control. wrapper around ChatLogTemplate

clear_accomlistbox(userdata control, table itemlist) -> int selection :: Clear an accomplishment list control. See: AccomplishmentTemplate

clear_listbox(userdata control, table itemlist) -> int selection :: Clear a list control

create_char_guild_tab(bool sub) -> userdata box :: Create guild tab

create_char_inventory_tabcreate_char_guild_tab(bool expand_local_branches, show_prices, showsellbutton) -> userdata box, tree :: Create inventory tab

create_jettison_tab() -> userdata box ::

create_keychain_tab() -> userdata tab, treectl :: Create the keychain tab

create_ship_group_template(table iconlist, bool sub) -> userdata box :: Create weapon groups tab

emailpromptdlgtemplate(string b1title, function b1cb, string b2title, function b2cb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a email prompt dialog

factioncontroltemplate3(userdata frame, function cb, float font) -> userdata container :: Create a fancy progressbar/faction standing indicator

fill_accomlistbox(userdata control, table itemlist, function setup_cb, click_cb) -> table dialoglist :: fill an accomplishement listbox with accomlistsubdialogs according to given values. normally called from AccomplishmentTemplate2

fill_listbox(userdata control, table itemlist, int curselindex, function setup_cb, bool show_quantity, show_price) -> table dialoglist :: fill a listbox with listsubdialogs according to given values

get_itemdlg(bool showquantity, showprice) -> table dialog :: Get a new listsubdialog or recycle one from the cache

get_jettisonitemdlg(int itemid) -> userdata dialog :: Get a new jettisonlistsubdialog or recycle one from the cache

getheight(userdata control) -> int height :: Get height of an iup control

getwidth(userdata control) -> int width :: Get width of an iup control

guildaccessdialogtemplate() -> userdata dialog :: create guild access dialog

guildactivitylogdialogtemplate() -> userdata dialog :: create guild activity dialog

guildbanklogdialogtemplate() -> userdata dialog :: create guild bank dialog

listpromptdlgtemplate(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a title and a listbox

msgdlgtemplate1(string msg, buttontext, function button_cb, string size, posx, posy, bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message

msgdlgtemplate1a(string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Create a dialog and optionally disable input to the background except to the given control. Note: if a control is given display the dialog with :show_all() if not use ShowDialog or :show()

msgdlgtemplate1aDone(function button_cb, string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Same as msgdlgtemplate1a but with a "Close" button

msgdlgtemplate1aNext(function button_cb, string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Same as msgdlgtemplate1a but with a "Next" button

msgdlgtemplate2(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb, string bgcolor, alignment) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons and a message

msgdlgtemplate2withcheck(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a checkbox and a message

msgpromptdlgtemplate2(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, an entry field and a message

msgpromptdlgtemplate2lines(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, two entry fields and two messages

msgpromptdlgtemplateml(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a multiline entry field and a message

multidlgtemplate1(string msg, msg2, string buttontitle, function cb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with a button and two messages (one in a multiline control)

multidlgtemplate2(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons and two messages (one in a multiline control)

multilistdlgtemplate(string msg, msg2, table tbl, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a dialog title, a dropdown menu, a title for the dropdown menu and a listbox

navmenu_template(bool showjumpbutton, function close_cb, bool issubsub) -> userdata container, distancetext, jumpbutton, zoombutton, undolastbutton  :: Create a control with a navmenu description box and some control buttons

setup_accomrow(int index, table itemlist, userdata subdlg, function click_cb) -> int newindex :: Initializes a list item in an accomplishment list. (used as setup_cb argument of fill_accomlistbox)

singletab_template(string title, userdata contents) -> userdata tab :: Wrap a control into a tab like frame

store_itemdlg(userdata dlg) -> nil :: Store a reference to an itemlist subdialog in the item dialog cache

store_jettisonitemdlg(userdata dlg) -> nil :: Store a reference to an jettisonlist subdialog in the jettison dialog cache

testsurvey() -> nil :: Test function for the survey feature


CapShipLog :: table with parts of a cap ship chat area.

CapShipShiplessLog :: table with parts of a cap ship chat area. variant for players without ships.

Font :: table that maps font names to sizes

Font1 :: table that maps font names to sizes

Font2 :: table that maps font names to sizes

HUD :: table with HUD all hud releted functions and parts

InterfaceManager :: table with event handler for some interface related events and function initialize the interface

ListColors :: colors for list widgets

StationLog :: table with parts of a stations chat area.

StationLogPanel :: table with parts of a chat area

accomthing :: no clue

iup :: functions related to iup. create and manipulate ui elements

preset_buttons :: table with preset button controls


ColorChatInput ->  :: boolean that controls coloring

DEFAULT_LICENSE_WATCH -> 2 :: license to display in the HUD if not set by player

FlashIntensity -> 1 :: alpha value of the bloodflash

IMAGE_DIR ->  :: subdirectory in the game directory where to look for images (skin option in config.ini)

HUD_SCALE -> 1 :: HUD scaling. set via rHUDxscale cvar. 1 means 640. the higher the resolution the lower the value

FontScale -> 1 :: font scaling

MAX_ACCOMICON_COLUMNS -> 5 :: number of ribbons per column to show in the char info screen(?)

MAX_ACCOMICON2_COLUMNS -> 4 :: number of ribbons per column to show in pda accomplishments tab(?)

MAX_ACCOMICONS -> 20 :: number of ribbons to show in char info(?)

SensorSort -> 1: Name 2: Faction 3: Ship 4: Distance :: Current sort order of nearby ship list

ShowLogoffDialog ->  :: show logoff confirmation dialog if true

ShowSetHomeDialog ->  :: show homing confirmation dialog if true

SI_unit -> 1: unformatted 2: xxx xxx,xx 3: xxx,xxx.xx :: number format

SortItems -> 1: Name 2: Price 3: Group>Name>Price 4: Group>Price>Name :: sort order for lists

defaulttutorialbgcolor -> "0 0 0 64 *" :: color of the not highlighted parts while the tutorial is active(?)

tabseltextcolor -> "1 241 255" :: color of selected tab

tabunseltextcolor -> "0 185 199" :: color of unselected tab

targetshield_percentage_color -> "00e0ff" :: color of shield percentage value in the target health bar


AskForgivenessDialog :: the forgive dialog. see QuestionDialog

AssignOwnerKeyDialog :: assign owner key dialog

Big3DViewDialog :: dialog that is shown after clicking on the maximize button in the "Ship"->"Buy->"Buy Ship" tab. created with CreateBig3DViewMenu

BuybackQuestionPrompt :: dialog that is shown when arriving at the home station after dieing

CancelLoadoutPurchaseDialog :: "Purchasing ..." dialog that is shown while buying a preset. created with CreateCancelLoadoutMenu

CapShipChatArea :: vbox with contents the cap ship interface chat area (entry, log, radios ...)

CapShipChatTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Ship Com" tab

CapShipCurrentLocationInfo :: label in the top right corner of the cap ship interface with the current system and sector name

CapShipDialog :: the base dialog of the cap ship interface

CapShipFactionInfo :: vbox in the cap ship interface with faction information. contains CapShipNameLabel and CapShipNameInfo. created with CreateCapShipFactionInfo

CapShipFactionLabel :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the faction that owns the current cap ship ("a ... ship")

CapShipLaunchButton :: button in the cap ship interface that launches the ship

CapShipNameLabel :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the current cap ship (top right)

CapShipOptionsButton :: button in the cap ship interface that opens the options dialog

CapShipPDACharacterStatsTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab

CapShipPDACharacterTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character" tab

CapShipPDACommTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Comm" tab

CapShipPDAInventoryInventoryTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Inventory" tab

CapShipPDAInventoryJettisonTab :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Cargo" tab

CapShipPDAInventoryTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory" tab

CapShipPDAMissionAdvancementTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Advancement Logs" tab

CapShipPDAMissionBoardTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab

CapShipPDAMissionBoardTabInfoButton :: button in the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab to request mission info

CapShipPDAMissionLogTab :: hbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Logs" tab

CapShipPDAMissionNotesTab :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Notes" tab

CapShipPDAMissionsTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions" tab

CapShipPDASensorNearbyTab :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log"->"Nearby Ships" tab

CapShipPDASensorTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log" tab

CapShipPDAShipNavigationTab :: hbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation"->"Navigation" tab

CapShipPDAShipTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab

CapShipRepairTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Repair/Refill" tab. created with CreateCapShipRepairTab

CapShipSecondaryInfo :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the cap ship interface

CapShipTabPDA :: box with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA" tab. created with CreateCapShipPDATab

CapShipTabs :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface tabs

CapShipTacticalTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical" tab. created with CreateCapShipTacticalTab

CapShipTurretTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Turrets" tab. created with CreateCapShipTurretTab

CapShipShiplessChatArea :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface chat area (entry, log, radios ...)

CapShipShiplessChatTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Ship Com" tab

CapShipShiplessCurrentLocationInfo :: label in the top right corner of the cap ship interface with the current system and sector name

CapShipShiplessDialog :: the base dialog of the cap ship interface

CapShipShiplessFactionInfo :: vbox in the cap ship interface with faction information. contains CapShipShiplessNameLabel and CapShipShiplessNameInfo. created with CreateCapShipShiplessFactionInfo

CapShipShiplessFactionLabel :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the faction that owns the current cap ship ("a ... ship")

CapShipShiplessLeaveButton :: button in the cap ship interface that launches the ship

CapShipShiplessNameLabel :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the current cap ship (top right)

CapShipShiplessOptionsButton :: button in the cap ship interface that opens the options dialog

CapShipShiplessPDACharacterStatsTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab

CapShipShiplessPDACharacterTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character" tab

CapShipShiplessPDACommTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Comm" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAInventoryInventoryTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Inventory" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAInventoryJettisonTab :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Cargo" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAInventoryTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAMissionAdvancementTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Advancement Logs" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAMissionBoardTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAMissionBoardTabInfoButton :: button in the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab to request mission info

CapShipShiplessPDAMissionLogTab :: hbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Logs" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAMissionNotesTab :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Notes" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAMissionsTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions" tab

CapShipShiplessPDASensorNearbyTab :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log"->"Nearby Ships" tab

CapShipShiplessPDASensorTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAShipNavigationTab :: hbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation"->"Navigation" tab

CapShipShiplessPDAShipTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab

CapShipShiplessSecondaryInfo :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the cap ship interface

CapShipShiplessTabPDA :: box with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA" tab. created with CreateCapShipShiplessPDATab

CapShipShiplessTabs :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface tabs

CapShipShiplessTacticalTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical" tab. created with CreateCapShipShiplessTacticalTab

CapShipShiplessTurretTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Turrets" tab. created with CreateCapShipShiplessTurretTab

CharCreateDialog :: the character creation dialog

CharCreateFailedDialog :: error dialog that is shown the character creation failed. created with CreateCharCreateFailedMenu

CharDeleteVerifierConfirmButton :: continue button in CharDeleteVerifierDialog

CharDeleteVerifierDialog :: the verification dialog that shown by the "Delete Character" button

CharDeleteVerifierEditbox :: entry in CharDeleteVerifierDialog

CharInfoDialog :: the character info dialog. opened with k in space.

CharSelectDialog :: the character selection dialog.

CharSelectFailedDialog :: error dialog with title "Character selection failed". created with CreateCharSelectFailedMenu

ChatColorOptionsDialog :: dialog opened via "Options"->"Interface"->"Chat Color Settings"

ConfirmationDialog :: dialog with an ok button. no clue where it's used

ConnectingDialog :: "Connecting..." dialog shown during login. created with CreateConnectingMenu

CreditsDialog :: dialog with credits. opened with the credits button at the log in prompt

EULADialog :: dialog that with the Eula shown at login

HUDHelpMenu :: dialog with common keybindings. opened with the F1 key while in space

HUDInterfaceOptionsDialog :: dialog with the HUD options, opened with the "HUD Settings" buttons in the Interface options dialog

InterfaceOptionsDialog :: dialog with the interface options

InvalidAmountDialog :: error dialog with the text "Invalud Amount". no idea where it's used

KeyInfoDialog :: the key info dialog

LoadingDialog :: dialog with the loading screen that is shown during sector load

LoginHelpDialog :: dialog with help text that is shown by the "Help" button in the login screen

LowGridPowerDialog :: error dialog that is shown when trying to connect an that requires more grid power than the ship can provide

MaximizedCapShipChat :: dialog with the maximized cap ship chat

MaximizedGunnerWaitChat :: dialog with the maximized chat log that is shown after accepting an invitation to be a gunner

MaximizedSpaceChat :: dialog with the maximized space chat

MaximizedStationChat :: dialog with the maximized station chat

MissionAbortDialog :: dialog to confirm abortion of missions

MissionPromptDialog :: dialog with mission description and buttons to accept or decline

NewsDialog :: dialog showing a news article

NotEnoughStorageDialog :: error dialog that pops when trying to put more than the storage limit into a station

NotificationDialog :: A borderless iup dialog with a message. It's displayed during non interruptible processes, like launching.

OptionsDialog :: the Options dialog

PDACharacterAccomTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Accomplishments" tab

PDACharacterFactionTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Faction Standings" tab

PDACharacterStatsTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab

PDACharacterTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character" tab

PDAChatArea :: vbox with contents a the PDA chat area (entry, log, radios ...)

PDACloseButton :: button to close the PDA

PDACommTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Comm" tab

PDACurrentLocationInfo :: label in the top right corner of the PDA with the current system and sector name

PDADialog :: the base dialog of the PDA

PDAInventoryInventoryTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Inventory" tab

PDAInventoryJettisonTab :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Cargo" tab

PDAInventoryTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory" tab

PDAMissionAdvancementTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Advancement Logs" tab

PDAMissionBoardTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab

PDAMissionBoardTabInfoButton :: button in the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab to request mission info

PDAMissionLogTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Logs" tab

PDAMissionNotesTab :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Notes" tab

PDAMissionsTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions" tab

PDASecondaryInfo :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the PDA

PDASensorNearbyTab :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log"->"Nearby Ships" tab

PDASensorTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log" tab

PDAShipNavigationTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Navigation"->"Navigation" tab

PDAShipTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab

PDATab1 :: not sure

PDATabs :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA" tab

PDATargetInfo :: vbox with contents of the target info in the top right of the PDA (name, health, faction ...)

QuestionDialog :: A dialog with two buttons and a message

QuestionWithCheckDialog :: A dialog with two buttons, check box and a message

SellItemDialog :: dialog that pops up after clicking on the "Sell Selected" button

StationChatArea :: vbox with contents a stations chat area (entry, log, radios ...)

StationChatTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"The Bar" tab

StationCommerceCommoditiesTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Commodities" tab

StationCommerceTab :: frame with contents of the "Commerce" tab

StationCommerceWelcomeTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Welcome" tab

StationCommoditiesBuyTab :: frame with contents of the "Commerce"->"Commodities"->"Buy" tab

StationCommoditiesLoadTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Load/Unload" tab

StationCommoditiesSellTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Commodities"->"Sell" tab

StationCurrentLocationInfo :: label in the top right corner of the station dialog with the current system and sector name

StationDialog :: the base dialog of the station interface

StationEquipmentBuyLargeTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Large" tab

StationEquipmentBuyOtherPurchaseButton :: "Purchase Selected" button in the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Other" tab

StationEquipmentBuyOtherTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Other" tab

StationEquipmentBuyShipPurchaseButton :: "Purchase Selected" button in the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Buy Ship" tab

StationEquipmentBuyShipTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Buy Ship" tab

StationEquipmentBuySmallPurchaseButton :: "Purchase Selected" button in the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Small Addons" tab

StationEquipmentBuySmallTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Small Addons" tab

StationEquipmentBuyTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy" tab

StationEquipmentManagePortConfigTab :: hbox with contents of the "Ship"->"Manage"->"Configure Ship" tab

StationEquipmentManageShipSelectionTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Manage"->"Select Ship" tab

StationEquipmentManageTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Manage" tab

StationEquipmentSellTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Sell" tab

StationEquipmentTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship" tab

StationFactionInfo :: vbox in the station window with faction information. contains StationNameLabel and StationNameInfo. created with CreateStationFactionInfo

StationFactionLabel :: label in the station window with the name of the faction that owns the current station ("a ... station")

StationHelpDialog :: dialog shown via help buttons that contains a help text

StationHomeButton :: button in the station window that sets the current station as home station

StationLaunchButton :: button in the station window that launches the ship

StationNameLabel :: label in the station window with the name of the current station (top right)

StationOptionsButton :: button in the station window that opens the options dialog

StationPDACharacterStatsTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab

StationPDACharacterTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Character" tab

StationPDACommTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Comm" tab

StationPDAInventoryInventoryTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Inventory" tab

StationPDAInventoryJettisonTab :: vbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Cargo" tab

StationPDAInventoryTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Inventory" tab

StationPDAMissionAdvancementTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Advancement Logs" tab

StationPDAMissionBoardTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab

StationPDAMissionBoardTabInfoButton :: info button displayed in the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab

StationPDAMissionLogTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Logs" tab

StationPDAMissionNotesTab :: vbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Notes" tab

StationPDAMissionsTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions" tab

StationPDASensorNearbyTab :: vbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log"->"Nearby Ships" tab

StationPDASensorTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log" tab

StationPDAShipNavigationTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Navigation"->"Navigation" tab

StationPDAShipTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab

StationSecondaryInfo :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the station interface

StationTabPDA :: frame with contents of the "You PDA" tab

StationTabs :: vbox housing the main station tabs ("Commerce", "Ship" and "You PDA")

StorageRentalDialog :: dialog for renting station storage

SurveyDialog :: A survey dialog. probably unused

ToolTip :: dialog with the current/last tooltip

VoiceChatOptions :: dialog with voice chat options

emailpromptdlg :: a emailpromptdlg for sending friend key

shipcargolabel :: label in the "Load/Unload" tab with number of cu and mass of cargo on the ship

target_health_percentages :: label on top of the target health bar with health and shield strength in percent