
From Vendetta Lua
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These are functions to manipulate the games config file config.ini.

The format of the file looks like this:


value can either be a string or an integer all identifiers are case sensitive

>== Functions ==


Definition:<br> ReadInt(string section, string key, int default) -> int value <br><br> Description: <br> Read an integer from the given section and key <br><br> Arguments:<br> section a section of the config file<br> key key within a section<br> default value to return if key not found <br><br> Returns: <br><br> Example:<br> <source lang="lua">gkini.ReadInt("Vendetta", "showhelpstring", 1) -> 0 -- showhelpstring is ccurrently set to 0</source> <br><br>


Definition:<br> ReadString(string section, string key, string default) -> string value <br><br> Description: <br> Read a string from the given section and key <br><br> Arguments:<br> section a section of the config file<br> key key within a section<br> default value to return if key not found <br><br> Returns: <br><br> Example:<br> <source lang="lua">gkini.ReadString("Vendetta", "Username", "dude") -> "hans" -- get the default username from the config file</source> <br><br>


Definition:<br> WriteInt(string section, string key, int value) -> nil <br><br> Description: <br> Write an integer to the given section and key <br><br> Arguments:<br> section a section of the config file<br> key key within a section<br> value value of a key as an integer <br><br> Returns: <br><br> Example:<br> <source lang="lua">gkini.WriteInt("Vendetta", "showhelpstring", 1) -- change the showhelpstring option to 1</source> <br><br>


Definition:<br> WriteString(string section, string key, string value) -> nil <br><br> Description: <br> Write a string to the given section and key. String length is limited to 763 characters. <br><br> Arguments:<br> section a section of the config file<br> key key within a section<br> value value of a key as a string <br><br> Returns: <br><br> Example:<br> <source lang="lua">gkini.WriteString("Vendetta", "Username", "dude") -- change the Username option to dude</source> <br><br>