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A fullscreen iup dialog with two buttons that can be used to ask for confirmation and stuff like that. Display with :show() or ShowDialog().

>== Functions ==


Definition:<br> SetMessage(ihandle qdialog, string message, string ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> nil <br><br> Description: <br> Sets message plus title and callbacks for the buttons. <br><br> Arguments:<br> qdialog the question dialog (can be omitted with the colon syntax)<br> message message to display in the dialog<br> ltitle left button title<br> lcb left button callback<br> rtitle right button title<br> rcb right button callback <br><br> Returns: <br><br> Example:<br> <source lang="lua"> local function yes_cb() print("you said yes") HideDialog(QuestionDialog) end

local function no_cb() print("you said no") HideDialog(QuestionDialog) end

QuestionDialog:SetMessage("Answer me!", "Yes", yes_cb, "No", no_cb) ShowDialog(QuestionDialog) </source> <br><br>