API Index2

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Playground for a different index format



AbbrLocationStr(int sectorid) -> string name :: Get abbreviated sector name for sectorid

AbortMission(int itemid) -> nil :: Abort a mission

Article(string word) -> string out :: prepends the appropriate article to the string word

CanUseAddon(int itemid) -> bool ret1, {string l1 ..} :: check if the player can equip the addon itemid

CanUseMerchandise(table iteminfo) -> bool ret1, {string l1 ..} :: check if the player can use the item iteminfo

CancelPurchaseShipLoadout() -> nil :: Interrupt purchase of ship loadout

CheckCharProximity(int dist, charid) -> bool inrange :: Tell if a character at a given distance is within proximity range. The function only returns true once for every character in radar proximity range. Any further checks will return false until the character leaves the range.

CheckProximityWarning() -> nil :: Trigger the PROXIMITY_ALERT event if a character, that hasn't been before, is within proximity range

CheckStorageAndUnloadCargo({{int itemid, int quantity} ..}, function cb) -> nil :: Unload cargo items and quantities according to the provided table also checks station storage and pops up a dialog if not enough available

ClearGeneralChatLog() -> nil :: clears general chat log..

ClearLastShipLoadout() -> nil :: clear last shiploadout. prevents client from asking to rebuy ship after destruction

ClearMissionChatLog() -> nil :: clears mission log..

ClearProximityCache() -> nil  :: Clear list of characters in proximity range. Stops CheckCharProximity and CheckProximityWarning from ignoring them.

ClearStationChatLog() -> nil :: clears station log (bar)..

ConfigureMultipleWeaponGroups({table group1key1, table group1key2 ... table group1key6, table group2key1, table group2key2...}, function cb) -> nil :: configures weapon groups according to given tables.

ConfigureWeaponGroup(int id, table port_ids, function cb) -> nil :: Configures one weapon group

ConnectAddon(int portid, int itemid, function cb) -> bool canconnect :: Attaches the addon itemid to the active ship in port portid

CreateCharacter(int name, int nation) -> nil :: Creates the character of the given nation

DeleteCharacter(int slot) -> nil :: Deletes the character in the character slot slot

DisableProximityWarning() -> nil :: disable the proximity warning ...

DisconnectAddon(int itemid) -> bool ret1 :: detaches the addon itemid and stores it in the station Note: detached items will likely have a different itemid in the station

DisconnectAllAddons() -> nil :: Detach all addons from the active ship and store them in the current station

EnableProximityWarningDisableProximityWarning() -> nil :: enable the proximity warning ...

EnableVoiceChat(bool enable) -> nil :: Toggle Voice chat

FindAndReplaceTags(string text, table matches) -> string ret1 :: Replaces all occurances of with < and > enclosed substrings in text with matching values from the provided table

FindAndReplaceTagsCB(string text, function cb) -> string ret1 :: Pass each occurances of with < and > enclosed substrings in text to cb and replace them with the return value

ForEachBuddy(function func(string name, bool isonline, int sectorid)) -> nil :: calls func with the name, if the player is online for each of your buddies as well as his position if the player is currently online

ForEachPlayer(function func(int charid)) -> nil :: calls func with the character id of each player in the sector. that includes bots and the sector thingy itself This function is called by the toplist when you open it.

ForgiveKiller(bool forgive) -> nil :: Forgive the last killer.

GeneratePlayerDiedMessage(string name1, name2, int weapon) -> string msg :: generate appropiate kill message for the arguments.

GetAccomplishmentBigSize(int type, level) -> string bigsize :: Get size of accomplishment medal

GetAccomplishmentBigTexture(int type, level) -> string tex :: Get texture of accomplishment medal

GetAccomplishmentBigUV(int type, level) -> string uv :: Get uv mapping of accomplishment medal

GetAccomplishmentCategory(int type, level) -> string category :: Get category of accomplishment

GetAccomplishmentDescription(int type, level) -> string desc :: Get description of accomplishment

GetAccomplishmentLevels(int accomid) -> int curlevel int reqlevel :: returns the current and the required level for the selected accomplishment

GetAccomplishmentName(int type, level) -> string name :: Get name of accomplishment

GetAccomplishmentSize(int type, level) -> string size :: Get size of accomplishment badge

GetAccomplishmentTexture(int type, level) -> string tex :: Get texture of accomplishment badge

GetAccomplishmentTitle(int type, level) -> string title :: Get title of accomplishment

GetAccomplishmentType(int accomindex, char) -> int accomplishmenttype int accomplishmentlevel :: returns some numbers..

GetAccomplishmentUV(int type, level) -> string uv :: Get uv mapping of accomplishment badge

GetActiveChatChannel() -> int channel :: returns the active channel

GetActiveMissionInfo(int num) -> string mname table mmsg int itemid :: Get information about the selcted active mission

GetActiveShipCargoCount() -> int cargocount :: returns amount of cargo in the ship

GetActiveShipEnergy() -> float eng fraction :: returns the energy level of the active ship

GetActiveShipHealth() -> int d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 dmg max  :: returns information about the active ships health

GetActiveShipGridPowerAndUsage() -> int power usage :: returns the energy grid power and usage of the current ship..

GetActiveShipID() -> int itemid :: returns itemid of active ship

GetActiveShipItemIDAtPort(int portid) -> int itemid :: returns itemid of addon in selected port

GetActiveShipMass() -> int mass :: returns mass of active ship

GetActiveShipMaxCargo() -> int cargo :: returns amount of cargo space of the active ship in cu

GetActiveShipMaxSpeed() -> int speed :: returns max nonturbo speed of active ship

GetActiveShipName() -> string name :: returns a string with the active ships name

GetActiveShipNumAddonPorts() -> int ports :: returns number of ports in active ship

GetActiveShipPortIDOfItem(int itemid) -> int portid :: returns portid of the given addon in active ship

GetActiveShipPortInfo(int portid) -> table portinfo :: returns information about the given port

GetActiveShipSelectedWeaponGroupIDs() -> int id1 id2 id3 :: returns ids of the selected weapon groups ...

GetActiveShipSpeed() -> int speed :: returns current speed of active ship

GetActiveShipWeaponGroup(int id) -> table group :: return which ports are enabled in the provided group

GetAddonItemInfo(int itemid) -> int current maximum :: Returns current and maximum ammo if itemid is a weapon with ammo, or current/maximum armor if itemid is a ship.

GetAvailableMissionInfo(int midx) -> {int itemtype, string name, bool active, int category, string icon, string desc} :: Returns information about the mission with the given index.

GetBarPatrons() -> {[charid1], [charid2]...} :: get people in the current station bar

GetBestPriceInfoOfItem(int item) -> int price, station :: Get highest sell price of a cargo item in the active ship in the currentsystem

GetBotSightedInfoForSector(int sectorid) -> string botinfo :: returns bot ihnfo text for the given sector

GetBuddyInfo(int char) -> string name, bool isonline, int sectorid :: Get name, online status and location of a buddy

GetCargoValue() -> int value, price :: Get value and buy price of the cargo and equipped addons on the active ship at the current station

GetCharacterDescription() -> string desc :: Get the character description for your and possibly other chars. It just returns an empty string when an argument is passed to it, which suggests that it accepts one or more unknown arguments.

GetCharacterID(int nodeid) -> int charid :: returns character id of the provided node id

GetCharacterIDByName(string name) -> int charid :: get character id by name

GetCharacterInfo(int cslot) -> string name faction int money kills deaths loc home cl ll hl tl ml :: Get information about your characters

GetCharacterKillDeaths(int charid) -> int kills deaths pks :: get info about kills and deaths. returns your own info if no charid given or a lua error if an invalid one ...

GetCurrentSectorid() -> int sectorid :: get current sector id

GetCurrentStationType() -> int type :: return the current station type..

GetCurrentSystemid() -> int systemid :: get current system id..

GetEULA() -> string eula :: return eula

GetFactionInfo(int faction) -> string info :: get faction info text for the provided faction

GetFinishedMissionInfo() -> string name table msg int itemid :: see GetActiveMissionInfo

GetFriendlyStatus(int char) -> int fstatus :: get friendlyness of a character

GetFullPath(int sector, table navroute) -> table fullpath :: Get the full path, including wormhole sectors, from sector along navroute

GetGeneralChatLog() -> table log :: returns the chatlog

GetGroupMemberID(int index) -> int charid :: get charid of group member with given index

GetGroupMemberLocation(int charid) -> int loc :: get location of a groupmember

GetGroupOwnerID() -> int charid :: get charid of group owner

GetGuildAcronym() -> string acronym :: get your guilds acronym

GetGuildBalance() -> int balance :: get amount of money in guild bank

GetGuildBankPrivileges() -> table deposit withdraw logview :: get your guilds bank privileges as three tables. they contain the ranks carrying each privilege. see [API_Index#Guild]

GetGuildBankWithdrawalLimits() -> int ret1 ret2 ret3 :: get withdrawal limits? returns three numbers

GetGuildMOTD() -> string motd :: get your guilds message of the day

GetGuildMemberInfo(int index) -> int charid rank string name  :: get information about the guildmember of the given index

GetGuildMemberInfoByCharID(int charid) -> int charid rank string name  :: get information about the guildmember

GetGuildName() -> string name :: get guild name

GetGuildTag(int charid) -> string tag :: get guild tag of self or another character.

GetHomeStation() -> int sectorid :: get sectorid of home station

GetInventoryItemClassSubType(int itemid) -> int subtype :: get subclass of an item

GetInventoryItemClassType(int itemid) -> int type :: get class of an item

GetInventoryItemContainerID(int itemid) -> int container :: get container of item

GetInventoryItemExtendedDesc(int itemid) -> string desc :: get description of item

GetInventoryItemIcon(int itemid) -> string path :: get path to icon of inventory item

GetInventoryItemInfo(int itemid) -> string ipath name int quant float mass string sdesc desc1 desc2 int container class subtype :: get most info about inventory item

GetInventoryItemLocation(int itemid) -> int stationid :: get location of an inventory item

GetInventoryItemLongDesc(int itemid) -> string desc :: get long description of an inventory item

GetInventoryItemMass(int itemid) -> float mass :: get mass of inventory item

GetInventoryItemName(int itemid) -> string name :: get name of inventory item

GetInventoryItemQuantity(int itemid) -> int quant :: get quantity of inventory item..

GetInventoryItemType(int itemid) -> int type :: get item type

GetInventoryItemUnitCost(int itemid) -> int cost :: get price paid for the given item(?)

GetInventoryItemVolume(int itemid) -> int volume :: get per unit volume of item in cu

GetItemFullDesc(table item) -> string desc :: get full description of an inventory item

GetItemPartialDesc(table item) -> string desc :: get partial description of an inventory item

GetLastAggressor(int itemid) -> int nodeid ret1 :: get node id of last aggressor and some number

GetJoinedChannels() -> table channels :: get array with currently joined channels

GetLastPrivateSpeaker(int itemid) -> string name :: get name of last character that pmed you

GetLastShipLoadout() -> {groups = {1 = group1 .. 18 = group18}, int ship, ports= {1 = port1 ..}, int shipcolor} :: get last ship loadout, color and weapon groups. this function only works in space

GetLastShipLoadoutPurchaseCost() -> int cost :: what you payed for your last ship(?)

GetLicenseLevel(int type) -> int level :: get the level of the provided license

GetLicenseRequirement(int level) -> int xp :: get xp required for given level

GetListOfSeenNames() -> table names :: get table with names of characters that have been in the same sector as the player or have sent messages

GetMaxRadarDistance() -> int dist :: get current(?) max radar range

GetMinJumpDistance() -> int dist :: get minimum distance from large objects to jump

GetMissionChatLog() -> {bool updated, string 1.. } :: get advancement log

GetMissionTimers() -> int time :: get time left on the current mission. may have some functionality for multiple missions

GetMoney() -> int money :: get how many credits you own

GetNationKills(int nation) -> int kills :: get number of player kills for the given nation

GetNewsHeadline(int index) -> string title int time ret1  :: get headline, post time and some number

GetNumAccomplishments(int charid) -> int accomplishments :: get number of accomplishmeants for given character(?). not well tested, may require caching of the char info

GetNumActiveMissions() -> int missions :: get number of active missions.

GetNumAvailableMissions() -> int missions :: get number of available missions

GetNumCharacters() -> int chars :: get number of characters you have defined

GetNumCompletedMissions() -> int missions :: get number of completed missions

GetNumFinishedMissions() -> int missions :: get number of finished missions. as displayed in the mission log panel

GetNumGroupMembersGetNumCharacters() -> int chars :: get number of characters in your group

GetNumGuildMembers() -> int numchars :: get number of online guildmembers

GetNumNewsHeadlines() -> int num :: get number of news headlines..

GetNumStationDesiredItems() -> int num :: Get number of items this station desires. The names of the items can then be fetched with GetStationDesiredItem.

GetNumStationMerch() -> int num :: get number of addons, ships an cargo this station sells

GetNumStationTurrets() -> int num :: get number of turrets on this station or ship

GetNumTips() -> int num :: get size of load screen tips pool

GetParentHealth() -> float ret1 ret2 :: get health of object this one is attached to (turret to capship). untested!

GetPlayerDistance(int charid) -> float distance :: get distance to another character

GetPlayerFaction(int charid) -> int factionid :: get nation of a player

GetPlayerFactionStanding(int factionid, charid) -> int standing :: get a players standing with a faction

GetPlayerHealth(int charid) -> float health :: get health of provided character

GetPlayerName(int charid) -> string name :: get name of character

GetPlayerNodeID(int charid) -> int nodeid :: get nodeid of a character in the sector

GetPrimaryShipIDOfPlayer(int charid) -> int shipid :: get shipid of a character (= objectid?)

GetPrimaryShipNameOfPlayer(int charid) -> string name :: get ship name (type) of provided character

GetProximityWarningDistance() -> int dist :: get proxy warnign distance Note: even returns the distance when proxy warning is disabled

GetSectorAlignment() -> int alignment :: returns the alignment of the current sector

GetSectorMonitoredStatus() -> int monitor :: returns the monitor status of the current sector (Unmonitored, Guarded ...) see: FactionMonitor and FactionMonitorStr

GetShipAmmoPrices(int ship) -> table prices :: get cost of ship ammo

GetShipCargoCount(int itemid) -> int num :: get amount of cargo in the ship

GetShipInventory(int itemid) -> {cargo = {int cargoitemid ..}, addons = {int addonitemid ..}} :: get itemids of items attached to a ship

GetShipList() -> {int itemid ..} :: get list of your ships in the current station. produces error when called outside station..

GetShipMaxCargo(int itemid) -> int cargo :: get amount of cargo the given ship can hold

GetShipMeshInfo(int itemid) -> string id model int color :: get mesh information about equipment in your inventory. if an invalid itemid is given the info about the current ship is returned

GetShipPortIDOfItem(int itemid1, int itemid2) -> int portid :: get port of weapon in one of your ships

GetShipPurchaseColor() -> int color :: get selected color from the color picker

GetSkillLevel(int licenseid) -> int current next :: get current and required xp for next level or provided skill

GetSkirmishInfo() -> int crew1 crew2 init1 init2 string name1 name2 bool active :: returns crew info for skirmish missions

GetStationAddonList() -> {int itemid ..} :: get array with your addons in the station hold

GetStationAmmoInfoByIDGetStationAmmoByID(int itemid) -> {bool is_ammorepair, string type, int unitcost, int price, string longdesc, string desc, bool locallyproduced, int itemid, string icon} :: get info about ammo based weapons in the station by item id

GetStationCargoList() -> {int itemid ..} :: get list of cargo items in the current station. produces error when called outside station..

GetStationChatLog() -> {string msg ..} :: get table with messages in the station chat

GetStationCurrentCargo() -> int cargo :: get amount of cargo currently in this station. including cargo, equipment, ships ..

GetStationDesiredItem(int index) -> string ditem :: Get the string name of an item that this station desires. The index ranges from 1 to GetNumStationDesiredItems().

GetStationFaction(int stationid) -> int factionid :: get faction of the given station

GetStationFactionAppraisalModifier() -> float modifier :: Returns a number that seems to affect the price of storage space. depends on faction standing or something

GetStationLocation() -> int stationid :: get the stationid of the current station

GetStationMaxCargo() -> int cargo :: return amount of cargo this station can hold.

GetStationMerchInfo(int merchid) -> { neededlevels = {int l1 .. l5}, int price, string longdesc, float mass, string sortgroup, int volume, string extendeddesc, string type, string meshfile, bool usable, int itemid, string icon } :: get info about items this station sells

GetStationMerchInfoByID(int itemid) -> { neededlevels = {int l1 .. l5}, int price, string longdesc, float mass, string sortgroup, int volume, string extendeddesc, string type, string meshfile, bool usable, int itemid, string icon } :: get info about items this station sells by itemid

GetStationMerchPriceByIDGetStationMerchInfoByID(int itemid) -> int price :: get price of an item this station sells

GetStationName(int stationid) -> string name :: Get the name of a station. If the provided stationid is invalid the function produces a lua error.

GetStationSellableInventoryInfoByID() -> {bool is_ammorepair, string type, int unitcost, int price, string longdesc, string desc, string name, bool locallyproduced, neededlevels = {string l1 .. l5}, int itemid, string icon } :: get sellable inventory info by id ...

GetStationSellableInventoryPriceByID(int itemid, int quantity) -> int value, unitprice :: Get value of inventory items and price per unit in the current station

GetStationShipList(int itemid) -> {int itemid1 ..} :: get array of your ships in the current station

GetStationTurretInfo(int turretid) -> {int objectid, int nodeid, float armorpercent, int itemid} :: get information about a stations or ships turrets

GetStationType() -> string stype :: get station type

GetStorageItemInfo() -> ?? :: no clue. can't make it return anything

GetStorageLocationSector(int arg1) -> int ret1 :: returns some number when fed with an itemid

GetSurveyChoices() -> {} :: returns an empty table!

GetSurveyQuestion() -> string ret1 :: returns an empty string!

GetSystemID(int sectorid) -> int systemid :: get systemid of the given sector. lua error on nil

GetTargetDistance() -> float dist :: get distance to target

GetTargetFriendlyStatus() -> int fstatus :: get friendlyness of target

GetTargetInfo() -> string name float health dist int factionid string guild ship :: get info about target

GetTip(int tipid) -> string tip :: get loading screen with given index

GetTurretNamesByStationType(string stype) -> {string tur1 ..} :: get turret name of provided station type

GetTutorialLevel() -> int num :: return if the player has done the tutorial(?)

GetUserName() -> string Name :: Returns the username.

GiveMoney(string char, int amount) -> nil :: transfer money to a character

HasActiveShip() -> bool aship :: return true if the player has an active ship

HasLastShipLoadout() -> bool loadout :: return true if the player has a last ship loadout saved. (see ClearLastShipLoadout)

IsConnected() -> bool connected :: return true if the player is connected to the game

IsEnemy(charid) -> bool enemy :: Part of the base radar functionality. Used in conjunction with GetFriendlyStatus.

IsGroupMember(int charid) -> bool grmember :: tell if the provided character is a group member

IsGuildMember(int charid) -> bool guildmember :: tell if the provided character is a guild member

IsInDuel() -> bool duel :: Returns true if the player is in a duel

IsPlayerRequestingBuddy(string name) -> bool req :: Tell if the given player is requesting to become a buddy

IsPlayerRequestingDuel(string name) -> bool req :: Tell if the given player is requesting a duel

IsPlayerRequestingGroupInvite(string name) -> bool req :: Tell if the given player has sent a group invite

IsProximityWarningEnabled() -> bool isproxy :: tell if proximity warning is enabled

IsStormPresent() -> bool isstorm :: tell if there's a storm in the current sector

IsTransactionInProgress() -> bool trans :: tell if a transaction is in progress (like selling a ship, items ..)

IsVoiceChatEnabled() -> bool vc :: tell if voice chat is enabled

JettisonAll() -> nil :: Jettison all of your ships cargo

JettisonMultiple{item1 = {int id, int quantity} ..} -> nil :: Jettison cargo items and quantitiss according to the provided table

JettisonSingle(int itemid, int quantity) -> nil :: Jettison provided type and amount of cargo

JoinChannel{channelid1 ..} -> nil :: join the provided channels without leaving existing channels

LeaveChannel{channelid1 ..} -> nil :: leave the provided channels

ListChannels() -> nil :: print list of currently joined channels and usage info to the chatarea

LoadCargo({{int itemid, int quantity} ..}, function cb) -> nil :: Load cargo items and quantitiss according to the provided table

LoadChannels() -> nil :: restore chat channels from config file(?)

LoadMissionNotes() -> string notes :: read and return players notes from playernotes.txt. See also: Function_Index#SaveMissionNotes

LoadNavpath(string navpath) -> {int sectorid1 ..} :: load navroute by name and return array with hops

LoadShipPresets() -> nil :: read ship presets from config file and setup buyback dialog

LoadSystemNotes(int systemid) -> string notes :: load system notes from settings/<charactername>/system<systemid>notes.txt

LocationStr(int sectorid) -> string sname :: translate a sectorid into a sector name. error if no argument provided

Login(string username, string password) -> nil :: Login to the game. crashes game when arguments are missing...

Logout() -> nil :: Inititate logout sequence.

MakeBotName(string nameset, int seed) -> string name :: Generate a name fromthe given nameset and optional random seed

MakeBuyBackQuestionDlg() -> userdata dialog :: Create the buyback dialog

NPlural(string arg1, string arg2) -> string pstring :: concaterates the two provided strings together and pluralizes the result

MakeBuyBackQuestionDlg() -> userdata dialog :: Create the buyback dialog

OnIdle(float delta) -> nil :: Idle handler

OpenAlarm(string title, text, buttontext) -> nil :: Show ConfirmationDialog with the given message

OverlapPrevention(table ip) -> bool overlap :: Adjust icon positions in a viewport so that they don't overlap

ParseXML(string xmlstring) -> {dom} :: returns the provided string as a collection of substrings and nodes as subtables ..see example

PlayerInStation() -> bool instation :: tell if the player is in a station or capship

PlayerInventoryPairs() -> int itemid table iteminfo :: Iterator function that returns information about an item in the players inventory each time it is called. works like pairs()

PrintJoinUsage() -> nil :: prints how to use /join to the chatarea

PrintLeaveUsage() -> nil :: prints how to use /leave to the chatarea

PrintPurchaseTransaction(string name, int quantity, totalvalue, totalcost) -> nil :: Print a sale summery message to the chat log

PrintTransactionTable() -> nil :: print pending transactions.

ProcessEvent(string eventtype, data) -> nil :: Processes various events. Trigger a with Function_Index#RegisterEvent defined event

PurchaseMerchandiseItem(int itemid, int amount) -> nil :: buy the provided item

PurchaseShipLoadout(func arg1) -> ?? :: no clue takes function as first argument

RegisterEvent({func OnEvent}, string eventtype) -> nil :: hook up object to event. the obect is a table with a method called OnEvent that is called when the event is triggered

RegisterUserCommand(string commandname, func callback(dataarg, {arguments1, ..}), data) -> nil :: hook up object to command

ReinitIconPositions(timer icontimer, int ship, userdata viewport, table iconlist, userdata iconcontainer, table ipcache) -> nil :: Setup icons in a viewport

ReloadInterface() -> nil :: Reloads everything related to the interface that isn't a texture. This means VO lua scripts as well as scripts in the /plugins directory.

RentStorage(int storage) -> nil :: Rent storage space at the current station.

RepairShip() -> ?? :: not tested

ReplenishAll(int itemid, func cb) -> nil :: replenish all weapons on provided ship

ReplenishWeapon() -> ?? :: not tested

RequestCharacterStats() -> nil :: no clue

RequestLaunch() -> bool ret :: Launches from the station. Any issues preventing launch are reported via pop-up window. Otherwise, the player's ship undocks.

RequestMissionDetails(int missionid) -> nil :: Request information about the given mission (aka the info button) and pop up API_Index#MissionPromptDialog if id is valid

RequestMissionList() -> nil :: no clue. maybe used by /updatestation

RequestNewsArticle(int newsindex) -> nil :: ask server for news item(?) fills API_Index#NewsDialog with given news item

RequestNewsHeadlines() -> nil :: ask server for news item list?

RequestTargetStats() -> int charid :: get character id of target (considreing the name maybe more?)

ResetTutorial() -> nil :: Reset the tutorial flag. the player will have to go through it again after docking.

RunTutorial() -> nil :: launch tutorial

SaveChannels() -> nil :: Save joined channels(?). Kinda useless since trhat's done as soon as you join one

SaveMissionNotes(string notes) -> nil :: Save the provided string to the characters mission notes file. See also: API Index#LoadMissionNotes

SaveShipPresets(int index) -> nil :: Save ship preset(s) and recreate buyback dialog

SaveSystemNotes(string notes, int systemid) -> nil :: save system notes to settings/<charactername>/system<systemid>notes.txt

SaveNavpath({int sectorid1 ..}, string name) -> nil :: Save the provided navroute

SaveShipLoadout() -> ?? :: save shiploadout? after a ClearLastShipLoadout() this function causes the buy back dialog to pop up again but the ship won't be rebought.. maybe it needs a loadout as arg

SectorIDFromLocationStr(string location) -> int sectorid :: Convert a location string into a sectorid.

SelectActiveShip(int itemid) -> nil :: Set the given ship active

SelectCharacter(int charslot) -> nil :: Select characteri in given slot and enter the game with it (only "works" when you haven'T one selected yet)

SellInventoryItem(int itemid, int amount) -> nil :: Sell the provided amount of an inventory item from the current station or ship when docked to a station

SendChat(string msg, string dst, string dstparam) -> nil :: Send a message to the provided destination.

SendMissionQuestionResponse(int num) -> nil :: called by the initial info dialog 1 = accept, 0 = decline

SetChatLogRead() -> nil :: Mark the general chat log as read/displayed

SetChatLogReceiver(table chatcontainer) -> nil :: Point the general chat log to a chat container

SetCurrentChatTab() -> ?? :: does nothing. maybe a leftover from the general/mission chat system

SetHomeStation() -> nil :: set current station as your home station

SetMissionLogRead() -> nil :: Mark the advancement log as read/displayed

SetMissionLogReceiver(table chatcontainer) -> nil :: Point the advancement log to a chat container

SetProximityWarningDistance(int dist) -> nil :: set proximity warning distance ..

SetShipPurchaseColor(int color) -> nil :: color of the next ship the player will buy

SetStationLogRead() -> nil :: Mark the station log as read/displayed

SetStationLogReceiver(table chatcontainer) -> nil :: Point the station log to a chat container

SetViewObject(userdata modelview, string meshname, string meshfile, int color) -> nil :: Change the ship in a modelview

SHA1(string text) -> string hash :: generate SHA1 hash of the given string

ShortLocationStr(int sectorid) -> string loc :: string representing the provided sector

ShouldTutorialRun() -> bool tut :: tell if the player has done the tutorial

SplitSectorID(int sectorid) -> int systemid sectorh sectorv  :: split up a sectorid into systemid and axis on the system grid

SplitStationID(int stationid) -> int systemidl sectorhv :: split up a stationid into systemid -1 and sector in system. this may be totally wrong

StartSellInventoryItem(int itemid, function cb) -> nil :: Receive instant price updates for the given item.

StationPlayerAmmoPairs() -> int itemid table ammoinfo :: Iterator function that prints information about ammo based weapons in the players inventory at the current station each time it is called. works like pairs()

StationSellableInventoryPairs() -> int itemid table iteminfo :: Iterator function that prints information about an item in the players inventory at the current station each time it is called. works like pairs()

StationSellItem(userdata button, table item, int quantity, function cb) -> nil :: Sell items with aconfirmation dialog

StrTableStopTutorial() -> nil :: seems to be another serialisation function. similar (the same?) to splickle

SubmitSurvey() -> nil :: does nothing..

SwapAddons(int portid1 itemid1 porid1 itemid2 function cb) -> nil :: Swap two addons equipped to the current ship (crashes client after undocking)

TabCompleteName(string name) -> string completename :: Attempts to fill out name with the best match the client has seen since startup. If TabCompleteName cannot find a match for name it returns nil, otherwise, completename will be a string containing the best match.

UnloadCargo({{int itemid, int quantity} ..}, function cb) -> nil :: Unload cargo items and quantities according to the provided table

UnloadSellCargo({{int itemid, int quantity} ..}, function cb) -> nil :: Unload and sell cargo items and quantities according to the provided table

UnregisterEvent({func OnEvent}, string eventtype) -> nil :: Unregister an event registered with Function_Index#RegisterEvent

UnregisterUserCommand(string command) -> nil :: Unregister a command registered with RegisterUserCommand

UnrentStorage(int storage) -> nil :: Unrent storage space at the current station.

XMLTagToString() -> nil :: might the reverse of ParseXML

_ERRORMESSAGE(string msg) -> nil :: creates an error message with the provided string. probably more

assert :: [1]

bbhash(string input, int arg2) -> string hash :: Seems to be some kind of hash function

calc_health_color(float health, int alpha, mode) -> string color :: Create an iup color string corresponding to the given health

clearscene() -> nil :: removes al objects from the game world

collectgarbage :: [2]

comma_value(float number) -> string formatted_number :: returns a formatted version of the provided number according to API_Index#SI_unit

console_clear() -> nil :: clear console on the next API_Index#ReloadInterface

console_print(string text) -> nil :: print the given string to the ingame console

debugprint() -> ?? :: does nothing..

declare(string name, value) -> nil :: declare a variable and assign a value

deviceByMode(table arg1, mode) -> table ret :: not sure. possibly to find audio devices by capability

dofile :: [3]

error :: [4]

factionfriendlyness(int standing) -> string name :: get string that represents the given faction standing

factionfriendlynesscolor(int standing) -> string color :: get iup color that represents that given faction standing

factionfriendlynessrange(int standing) -> float range :: get progress within the current faction standing level

fillModesDropdown() -> ? :: no clue. fill some kind of drop down menu(?)

filter_colorcodes(string in) -> string out :: strips colorcodes from the provided string

format_time(int msecs) -> string tstring :: get string representation of the provided time

generalprint(string str) -> nil :: print given string to the chat area via CHAT_MSG_PRINT event. Results is printed in the active channel text color.

hextorgb(string hexcolors) -> string deccolors :: Convert hexadecimal formated color string into a decimal one used by iup

ipairs :: [5]

load :: [6]

loadfile :: [7]

loadscene(string scene) -> ?? :: load a scene(?). don't know how it works though

loadstring :: [8]

log_chat(string str) -> nil :: Writes current time and given string to the errors.log

log_print(string str) -> nil :: Writes string to the errors.log

next :: [9]

oper :: not gonna bother

pairs :: [10]

pcall :: [11]

print(string str) -> nil :: print given string to the chat area

printtable{in} -> nil :: print contents of a table to the console

purchaseprint(string str) -> nil :: print given string to the chat area via CHAT_MSG_CONFIRMATION event. Results in white text by default. Same as when buying or selling things.

rawequal :: [12]

rawget :: [13]

rawset :: [14]

rgbtohex(string deccolor) -> string hexcolor :: Returns string containing escaped hexadecimal version of the in decimal given color

roper :: not gonna bother

sectorprint(string str) -> nil :: print given string to the chat area via CHAT_MSG_SERVER_SECTOR event. Results in white text by default.

select :: [15]

spickle(table intab) -> string :: Converts a table into a string roughly of the format "value","value",{"tablevalue","tablevalue";tablekey="value"};key="value",key="value"

strip_whitespace(string in) -> string out  :: strip whitespace from beginning and end of string

substitute_vars(string in) -> string out  :: replace variables like %target% in input with their corresponding value

tabcomplete :: produces lua error..

tonumber :: [16]

tostring :: [17]

type :: [18]

unpack :: [19]

undeclare(string name) -> nil :: undeclare a variable created with Function_Index#declare

unspickle(string in) -> table outtab :: Converts a spickled string into a table


Bitlib :: functions to manipulate the bitwise operations

Buddy :: functions to manipulate the characters buddylist

Duel :: Duel related methods

FactionColor :: table with faction colors. indices represent factionid

FactionColor_RGB :: table that maps factionid's to colors in RGB format

FactionMonitor :: table with monitoring types. indices represent numeric monitoring types and values, string representations of that type

FactionMonitorStr :: table with monitoring types. values represent numeric monitoring types and indices, string representations of that type

FactionName :: Array with short names of the ingame faction

FactionNameFull :: Array with long names of the ingame faction

FactionStanding :: table for mapping names of standing levels to it#s int value

Game :: functions to control a few game features ..

GeneralChatPanel :: table with parts of a chat area. seems to point to PDA or HUD chat panel depending on what is visible(?)

Group :: Group related functions

Guild :: Guild related functions

Ignore :: Ignorelist related functions

InvManager :: functions to get information about inventory items

Mentor :: Mentor related functions

MissionLogPanel :: table with parts of the mission log

NavRoute :: functions to manipulate your NavRoute

ShipOrder :: table containing the ordering of ships in lists(?)

ShipPalette :: array that maps palette color values to rgb values

ShipPalette_strings :: array that maps palette color values to string representations of rgb values

ShipPresets :: array with properties of ship presets

Skills :: table to translate skillid's into skill names and back

SystemNames :: Table to translate systemid's into system names and back. Note that the "ID to name" translation returns names with capital letters, but the "name to ID" translation only works with all lower-case names.

SystemNotes :: System Notes public table. Used for adding notes to the navmap.

TagFuncs :: Text markup callbacks(?)

TCPSocket :: socket class

Thread :: Thread library

Timer :: Timer class

VoiceChat :: voice chat related functions

Vote :: functions to use the voting feature

_generalchatlog :: array with chatlog

_missionlog :: array with mission log

_stationlog :: array with log of visisted stations

chatinfo :: table with display options for each chat event

chatreceiver :: event handler for chat events

command_pretty_names :: table that maps commands to their descriptions

coroutine :: coroutine class

debug :: debugging helpers

gkini :: functions to manipulate the games config file

gkinterface :: interface related functions..

gkmisc :: misc functions ..

gknet :: network related functions

gksound :: audio related functions

gvector :: gvector class. to create and manipulate vectors

ignore_time :: array with with ignored name and period entries

joystick :: functions to change joystick settings

math3d :: functions to do some vector math

math :: standard math library

os :: functions to interface with the operating system

quaternion :: quaternion class. to create and manipulate quats

radar :: functions to query and set radar parameters

string :: string manipulation functions


CLASSTYPE_ADDON -> 2 :: inventory item class of addons

CLASSTYPE_FLAG -> 3 :: inventory item class of flags(?)

CLASSTYPE_GENERIC -> 0 :: inventory item class of generic items

CLASSTYPE_MISSION -> 5 :: inventory item class of missions

CLASSTYPE_SHIP -> 1 :: inventory item class of ships

CLASSTYPE_STORAGE -> 4 :: inventory item class of storage containers (station hold)

Platform -> "Unix", "MacOS" or "Windows" :: string representing the platform the game is running on

VO_VERSION -> 3 :: games major version

_VERSION -> "Lua 5.1" :: lua version

lcd ->  :: no clue



AccomplishmentTemplate(function cb(string desc)) -> userdate box :: Create box with accomplishment icons (targetinfo dialog). see: AccomplishmentTemplate

AccomplishmentTemplate2(function cb(string desc, int type, level)) -> userdate box :: Create list with accomplishment icons (pda playerinfo dialog). see: AccomplishmentTemplate

ChatLogTemplate(string bg, string scrolledbg, function updatecb, string editbg, bool clickable) -> table container :: Create rudimentary chet container. See ChatLogTemplate

CreateBig3DViewMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create Big3DViewDialog a Big3DViewDialog

CreateCancelLoadoutMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See MessageDialog

CreateCapShipChatTab() -> userdata box :: Create box with "Ship Com" tab. See ChatLogTemplate

CreateCapShipFactionInfo() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipRepairTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipTacticalTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateCapShipTurretTab() -> userdata box, button :: Create CapShipTurretTab and the select button

CreateCharCreateFailedMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See MessageDialog The created variant pops up CharCreateDialog after clicking the button

CreateCharCreateMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateCharSelectFailedMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See MessageDialog The created variant pops up CharSelectDialog after clicking the button

CreateCharSelectMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateCharacterPDATab() -> userdata box, tab1, tab2, tab3 ::

CreateCommPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateConnectingMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See MessageDialog The created variant logs out after clicking the button

CreateCreditsDialog(userdata parent) -> userdata dialog :: Create credits dialog

CreateEULAMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateInvalidAmountMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See msgdlgtemplate1

CreateInventoryPDATab() -> userdata dialog, tab1, tab2 ::

CreateKilledByPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateKilledPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateLoadingMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateLoginDialog() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateLoginHelpDialog(userdata parent) -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with help text for the login screen and a close button

CreateLowGridPowerDialog() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with low grid power error

CreateMissionAbortMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateMissionPromptMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateMissionsPDATab() -> userdata box, tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, infobutton ::

CreateNavigationPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateNearbyShipsPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateNewsMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateNotEnoughStorageMenu() -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message. See msgdlgtemplate1

CreateNotificationMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateOptionsMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreatePDA() -> userdata dialog ::

CreatePDATab1() -> userdata box ::

CreatePVPTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateQuantityPurchaseMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateSensorPDATab() -> userdata box, tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5 ::

CreateShipCargoPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateShipPDATab() -> userdata box, tab1 ::

CreateStation() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateStationBlankTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationChatTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommerceTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommoditiesBuyTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommoditiesLoadTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommoditiesSellTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationCommoditiesTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationEquipmentBuyTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationEquipmentManageTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationEquipmentSellTab() -> userdata box :: Unused. Creates old equipment sell tab.

CreateStationEquipmentTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationFactionInfo() -> userdata dialog :: Create StationFactionInfo

CreateStationHelpMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateStationMissionBuyTab() -> userdata box, button ::

CreateStationPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationPortConfigTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationShipPurchaseTab() -> userdata box, button ::

CreateStationShipSelectionTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationShipStatusTab() -> userdata box :: Unused. Creates old ship status tab.

CreateStationVisitsPDATab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStationWelcomeTab() -> userdata box ::

CreateStorageRentalDialog() -> userdata dialog :: Create storage rental dialog

CreateSurveyMenu() -> userdata dialog ::

CreateTargetInfo() -> userdata box ::

CreateVoiceChatOptions() -> userdata dialog :: Create Voicechat options dialog

FactionStandingTemplate(function cb, frame, filler, string expand) -> userdata container :: Creates a container with a list of faction standings of a character. Details: FactionStandingTemplate

FactionStandingWithInfoTemplate() -> userdata container :: Wrapper around FactionStandingTemplate that adds faction descriptions to the list.

FadeControl(userdata control, int timetofade, float startalpha, endalpha, function cb, ...) -> nil :: Fade an iup control by modifying its alpha field. Usually a label.

FadeLookup(userdata control) -> table fi :: Get a fade info table of a control that is currently being faded.

FadeStop(userdata control) -> nil :: Stop fading a control

FillInObjectInfo(string name, desc) -> nil :: Put given name and description into the character info dialog

FillInPlayerInfo(int charid) -> nil :: Fill character info dialog with info of given character

GetChatLogReadState() -> bool read :: Tell if the general chat log was displayed. SetChatLogRead was called since the last line was added to the log.

GetCurrentChatTab() -> int tab :: Unused. Get The current chat tab (general chat or mission chat)

GetMissionLogReadStateGetMissiontLogReadState() -> bool read :: Tell if the mission chat/advanmcement log was displayed. SetMissionLogRead was called since the last line was added to the log.

GetProfitColor(int price, cost) -> string color :: get color depending on the given prices

GetProfitHexColor(int price, cost) -> string color :: get color in hex format depending on the given prices

GetStationLogReadState() -> bool read :: Tell if the stationlog/bar was displayed. SetStationLogRead was called since the last line was added to the log.

HelpCharAccom :: helpfunc

HelpCharFaction :: helpfunc

HelpCharGuild :: helpfunc

HelpCharInventory :: helpfunc

HelpCharStats :: helpfunc

HelpCommoditiesAction :: helpfunc

HelpGridPower :: helpfunc

HelpIgnore :: helpfunc

HelpLargeAddonsAction :: helpfunc

HelpOtherAddonsAction :: helpfunc

HelpPDAAdvancementLog :: helpfunc

HelpPDAJettison :: helpfunc

HelpPDAKilledByList :: helpfunc

HelpPDAKilledList :: helpfunc

HelpPDAMissionLog :: helpfunc

HelpPDAMissionNotes :: helpfunc

HelpPDANearbyShips :: helpfunc

HelpPDAPVPList :: helpfunc

HelpPDAStationVisitsList :: helpfunc

HelpSellAction :: helpfunc

HelpSellAddons :: helpfunc

HelpSellCommodities :: helpfunc

HelpShipAmmo :: helpfunc

HelpShipCargo :: helpfunc

HelpShipEquip :: helpfunc

HelpShipGroup :: helpfunc

HelpShipPurchase :: helpfunc

HelpShipSelect :: helpfunc

HelpShipStatus :: helpfunc

HelpSmallAddonsAction :: helpfunc

HelpStationAddonEquip :: helpfunc

HelpStationAddonGroups :: helpfunc

HelpStationBuddies :: helpfunc

HelpStationMission :: helpfunc

HelpStationNav :: helpfunc

HelpStationNews :: helpfunc

HelpStationWelcome :: helpfunc

HelpSystemNotes :: helpfunc

HelpVoiceChat :: helpfunc

HideAllDialogs() -> nil :: Hide all dialogs that were shown with ShowDialog or PopupDialog

HideDialog(userdata dialog) -> nil :: Hide a dialog that was shown with ShowDialog or PopupDialog

HideTooltip() -> nil :: Hide ToolTip, the tooltip dialog

PopupDialog(userdata dialog, int x, y) -> nil :: Wrapper around iup.Popup that allows the dialog to be closed with HideDialog or HideAllDialogs

ShowDialog(userdata dialog, int x, y) -> nil :: Wrapper around iup.Show that allows the dialog to be closed with HideDialog or HideAllDialogs

ShowTooltip(int x, y, string text) -> nil :: Show the ToolTip the tooltip dialog with the given text

StopTutorial() -> nil :: does nothing..

TutorialEnd() -> nil :: finish up the tutorial

TutorialPart1() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart2() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart3() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart4() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart5() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart6() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart7() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart8() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart9() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart10() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart11() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart12() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

TutorialPart13() -> nil :: Launch a tutorial segment

UpdateFade(float delta) -> nil :: Do a fade step on controls registered with FadeControl

chatareatemplate(string statontabname, bool expanded) -> table container :: create old style chatarea that combines general, mission and station log. the container seems to be incompatible with the chatareatemplate2 based maximized chat containers which breaks the maximize button

chatareatemplate2(bool maximized) -> userdata box :: create a chatarea control. wrapper around ChatLogTemplate

clear_accomlistbox(userdata control, table itemlist) -> int selection :: Clear an accomplishment list control. See: AccomplishmentTemplate

clear_listbox(userdata control, table itemlist) -> int selection :: Clear a list control

create_char_guild_tab(bool sub) -> userdata box :: Create guild tab

create_char_inventory_tabcreate_char_guild_tab(bool expand_local_branches, show_prices, showsellbutton) -> userdata box, tree :: Create inventory tab

create_jettison_tab() -> userdata box ::

create_ship_group_template(table iconlist, bool sub) -> userdata box :: Create weapon groups tab

factioncontroltemplate3(userdata frame, function cb, float font) -> userdata container :: Create a fancy progressbar/faction standing indicator

fill_accomlistbox(userdata control, table itemlist, function setup_cb, click_cb) -> table dialoglist :: fill an accomplishement listbox with accomlistsubdialogs according to given values. normally called from AccomplishmentTemplate2

fill_listbox(userdata control, table itemlist, int curselindex, function setup_cb, bool show_quantity, show_price) -> table dialoglist :: fill a listbox with listsubdialogs according to given values

get_itemdlg(bool showquantity, showprice) -> table dialog :: Get a new listsubdialog or recycle one from the cache

get_jettisonitemdlg(int itemid) -> userdata dialog :: Get a new jettisonlistsubdialog or recycle one from the cache

getheight(userdata control) -> int height :: Get height of an iup control

getwidth(userdata control) -> int width :: Get width of an iup control

guildaccessdialogtemplate() -> userdata dialog :: create guild access dialog

guildactivitylogdialogtemplate() -> userdata dialog :: create guild activity dialog

guildbanklogdialogtemplate() -> userdata dialog :: create guild bank dialog

msgdlgtemplate1(string msg, buttontext, function button_cb, string size, posx, posy, bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Create fullscreen dialog with button and message

msgdlgtemplate1a(string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Create a dialog and optionally disable input to the background except to the given control. Note: if a control is given display the dialog with :show_all() if not use ShowDialog or :show()

msgdlgtemplate1aDone(function button_cb, string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Same as msgdlgtemplate1a but with a "Close" button

msgdlgtemplate1aNext(function button_cb, string msg, size, posx, posy, userdata control, string bgcolor) -> userdata dialog :: Same as msgdlgtemplate1a but with a "Next" button

msgdlgtemplate2(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb, string bgcolor, alignment) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons and a message

msgdlgtemplate2withcheck(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, a checkbox and a message

msgpromptdlgtemplate2(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, an entry field and a message

msgpromptdlgtemplate2(string msg, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, an entry field and a message

msgpromptdlgtemplate2lines(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons, two entry fields and two messages

multidlgtemplate2(string msg, msg2, ltitle, function lcb, string rtitle, function rcb) -> userdata dialog :: Create a fullscreen dialog with two buttons and two messages (one in a multiline control)


CapShipLog :: table with parts of a cap ship chat area.

Font :: table that maps font names to sizes

Font1 :: table that maps font names to sizes

Font2 :: table that maps font names to sizes

HUD :: table with HUD all hud releted functions and parts

InterfaceManager :: table with event handler for some interface related events and function initialize the interface

ListColors :: colors for list widgets

StationLog :: table with parts of a stations chat area.

StationLogPanel :: table with parts of a chat area

accomthing :: no clue

iup :: functions related to iup. create and manipulate ui elements

preset_buttons :: table with preset button controls


ColorChatInput ->  :: boolean that controls coloring

DEFAULT_LICENSE_WATCH -> 2 :: license to display in the HUD if not set by player

FlashIntensity -> 1 :: alpha value of the bloodflash

IMAGE_DIR ->  :: subdirectory in the game directory where to look for images (skin option in config.ini)

HUD_SCALE -> 1 :: HUD scaling. set via rHUDxscale cvar. 1 means 640. the higher the resolution the lower the value

FontScale -> 1 :: font scaling

MAX_ACCOMICON_COLUMNS -> 5 :: number of ribbons per column to show in the char info screen(?)

MAX_ACCOMICON2_COLUMNS -> 4 :: number of ribbons per column to show in pda accomplishments tab(?)

MAX_ACCOMICONS -> 20 :: number of ribbons to show in char info(?)

ShowLogoffDialog ->  :: show logoff confirmation dialog if true

ShowSetHomeDialog ->  :: show homing confirmation dialog if true

SI_unit -> 1: unformatted 2: xxx xxx,xx; 3: xxx,xxx.xx :: number format

SortItems -> 1: Name; 2: Price3: Group>Name>Price; 4: Group>Price>Name :: sort order for lists

defaulttutorialbgcolor -> "0 0 0 64 *" :: color of the not highlighted parts while the tutorial is active(?)

tabseltextcolor -> "1 241 255" :: color of unselected tab


AskForgivenessDialog :: the forgive dialog. see QuestionDialog

Big3DViewDialog :: dialog that is shown after clicking on the maximize button in the "Ship"->"Buy->"Buy Ship" tab. created with CreateBig3DViewMenu

BuybackQuestionPrompt :: dialog that is shown when arriving at the home station after dieing

CancelLoadoutPurchaseDialog :: "Purchasing ..." dialog that is shown while buying a preset. created with CreateCancelLoadoutMenu

CapShipChatArea :: vbox with contents the cap ship interface chat area (entry, log, radios ...)

CapShipChatTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Ship Com" tab

StationCurrentLocationInfo :: label in the top right corner of the cap ship interface with the current system and sector name

StationDialog :: the base dialog of the cap ship interface

CapShipFactionInfo :: vbox in the cap ship interface with faction information. contains API_Index#CapShipNameLabel and API_Index#CapShipNameInfo. created with CreateCapShipFactionInfo

CapShipFactionLabel :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the faction that owns the current cap ship ("a ... ship")

CapShipLaunchButton :: button in the cap ship interface that launches the ship

CapShipNameLabel :: label in the cap ship interface with the name of the current cap ship (top right)

CapShipOptionsButton :: button in the cap ship interface that opens the options dialog

CapShipPDACharacterTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab

CapShipPDACharacterTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character" tab

CapShipPDACommTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Comm" tab

CapShipPDAInventoryInventoryTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Inventory" tab

CapShipPDAInventoryJettisonTab :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Cargo" tab

CapShipPDAInventoryTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory" tab

CapShipPDAMissionAdvancementTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Advancement Logs" tab

CapShipPDAMissionBoardTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab

CapShipPDAMissionBoardTabInfoButton :: button in the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab to request mission info

CapShipPDAMissionLogTab :: hbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Logs" tab

CapShipPDAMissionNotesTab :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Notes" tab

CapShipPDAMissionsTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Missions" tab

CapShipPDASensorNearbyTab :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log"->"Nearby Ships" tab

CapShipPDASensorTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log" tab

CapShipPDAShipNavigationTab :: hbox with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation"->"Navigation" tab

CapShipPDAShipTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab

CapShipRepairTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Repair/Refill" tab. created with CreateCapShipRepairTab

CapShipSecondaryInfo :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the cap ship interface

CapShipTabPDA :: box with contents of the cap ship interface "Your PDA" tab. created with CreateCapShipPDATab

CapShipTabs :: vbox with contents of the cap ship interface tabs

CapShipTacticalTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical" tab. created with CreateCapShipTacticalTab

CapShipTurretTab :: frame with contents of the cap ship interface "Tactical"->"Turrets" tab. created with CreateCapShipTurretTab

CharCreateDialog :: the character creation dialog

CharCreateFailedDialog :: error dialog that is shown the character creation failed. created with CreateCharCreateFailedMenu

CharDeleteVerifierConfirmButton :: continue button in API_Index#CharDeleteVerifierDialog

CharDeleteVerifierDialog :: the verification dialog that shown by the "Delete Character" button

CharDeleteVerifierEditbox :: entry in API_Index#CharDeleteVerifierDialog

CharInfoDialog :: the character info dialog. opened with k in space.

CharSelectDialog :: the character selection dialog.

CharSelectFailedDialog :: error dialog with title "Character selection failed". created with CreateCharSelectFailedMenu

ChatColorOptionsDialog :: dialog opened via "Options"->"Interface"->"Chat Color Settings"

ConfirmationDialog :: dialog with an ok button. no clue where it's used

ConnectingDialog :: "Connecting..." dialog shown during login. created with CreateConnectingMenu

CreditsDialog :: dialog with credits. opened with the credits button at the log in prompt

EULADialog :: dialog that with the Eula shown at login

HUDHelpMenu :: dialog with common keybindings. opened with the F1 key while in space

HUDInterfaceOptionsDialog :: dialog with the HUD options, opened with the "HUD Settings" buttons in the Interface options dialog

InterfaceOptionsDialog :: dialog with the interface options

InvalidAmountDialog :: error dialog with the text "Invalud Amount". no idea where it's used

LoadingDialog :: dialog with the loading screen that is shown during sector load

LoginHelpDialog :: dialog with help text that is shown by the "Help" button in the login screen

LowGridPowerDialog :: error dialog that is shown when trying to connect an that requires more grid power than the ship can provide

MaximizedCapShipChat :: dialog with the maximized cap ship chat

MaximizedSpaceChat :: dialog with the maximized space chat

MaximizedStationChat :: dialog with the maximized station chat

MissionAbortDialog :: dialog to confirm abortion of missions

MissionPromptDialog :: dialog with mission description and buttons to accept or decline

NewsDialog :: dialog showing a news article

NotEnoughStorageDialog :: error dialog that pops when trying to put more than the storage limit into a station

NotificationDialog :: A borderless iup dialog with a message. It's displayed during non interruptible processes, like launching.

OptionsDialog :: the Options dialog

PDACharacterAccomTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Accomplishments" tab

PDACharacterFactionTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Faction Standings" tab

PDACharacterStatsTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab

PDACharacterTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Character" tab

PDAChatArea :: vbox with contents a the PDA chat area (entry, log, radios ...)

PDACloseButton :: button to close the PDA

PDACommTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Comm" tab

PDACurrentLocationInfo :: label in the top right corner of the PDA with the current system and sector name

PDADialog :: the base dialog of the PDA

PDAInventoryInventoryTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Inventory" tab

PDAInventoryJettisonTab :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Cargo" tab

PDAInventoryTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Inventory" tab

PDAMissionAdvancementTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Advancement Logs" tab

PDAMissionBoardTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab

PDAMissionBoardTabInfoButton :: button in the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab to request mission info

PDAMissionLogTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Logs" tab

PDAMissionNotesTab :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Notes" tab

PDAMissionsTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Missions" tab

PDASecondaryInfo :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the PDA

PDASensorNearbyTab :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log"->"Nearby Ships" tab

PDASensorTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log" tab

PDAShipNavigationTab :: hbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Navigation"->"Navigation" tab

PDAShipTab :: frame with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab

PDATab1 :: not sure

PDATabs :: vbox with contents of the PDAs "Your PDA" tab

PDATargetInfo :: vbox with contents of the target info in the top right of the PDA (name, health, faction ...)

QuestionDialog :: A dialog with two buttons and a message

QuestionWithCheckDialog :: A dialog with two buttons, check box and a message

SellItemDialog :: dialog that pops up after clicking on the "Sell Selected" button

StationChatArea :: vbox with contents a stations chat area (entry, log, radios ...)

StationChatTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"The Bar" tab

StationCommerceCommoditiesTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Commodities" tab

StationCommerceTab :: frame with contents of the "Commerce" tab

StationCommerceWelcomeTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Welcome" tab

StationCommoditiesBuyTab :: frame with contents of the "Commerce"->"Commodities"->"Buy" tab

StationCommoditiesLoadTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Load/Unload" tab

StationCommoditiesSellTab :: vbox with contents of the "Commerce"->"Commodities"->"Sell" tab

StationCurrentLocationInfo :: label in the top right corner of the station dialog with the current system and sector name

StationDialog :: the base dialog of the station interface

StationEquipmentBuyLargeTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Large" tab

StationEquipmentBuyOtherPurchaseButton :: "Purchase Selected" button in the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Other" tab

StationEquipmentBuyOtherTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Other" tab

StationEquipmentBuyShipPurchaseButton :: "Purchase Selected" button in the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Buy Ship" tab

StationEquipmentBuyShipTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Buy Ship" tab

StationEquipmentBuySmallPurchaseButton :: "Purchase Selected" button in the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Small Addons" tab

StationEquipmentBuySmallTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy"->"Small Addons" tab

StationEquipmentBuyTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Buy" tab

StationEquipmentManagePortConfigTab :: hbox with contents of the "Ship"->"Manage"->"Configure Ship" tab

StationEquipmentManageShipSelectionTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Manage"->"Select Ship" tab

StationEquipmentManageTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Manage" tab

StationEquipmentSellTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship"->"Sell" tab

StationEquipmentTab :: frame with contents of the "Ship" tab

StationFactionInfo :: vbox in the station window with faction information. contains API_Index#StationNameLabel and API_Index#StationNameInfo. created with CreateStationFactionInfo

StationFactionLabel :: label in the station window with the name of the faction that owns the current station ("a ... station")

StationHelpDialog :: dialog shown via help buttons that contains a help text

StationHomeButton :: button in the station window that sets the current station as home station

StationLaunchButton :: button in the station window that launches the ship

StationNameLabel :: label in the station window with the name of the current station (top right)

StationOptionsButton :: button in the station window that opens the options dialog

StationPDACharacterStatsTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Character"->"Statistics" tab

StationPDACharacterTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Character" tab

StationPDACommTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Comm" tab

StationPDAInventoryInventoryTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Inventory" tab

StationPDAInventoryJettisonTab :: vbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Inventory"->"Cargo" tab

StationPDAInventoryTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Inventory" tab

StationPDAMissionAdvancementTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Advancement Logs" tab

StationPDAMissionBoardTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab

StationPDAMissionBoardTabInfoButton :: info button displayed in the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Board" tab

StationPDAMissionLogTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Logs" tab

StationPDAMissionNotesTab :: vbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions"->"Mission Notes" tab

StationPDAMissionsTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Missions" tab

StationPDASensorNearbyTab :: vbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log"->"Nearby Ships" tab

StationPDASensorTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Sensor Log" tab

StationPDAShipNavigationTab :: hbox with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Navigation"->"Navigation" tab

StationPDAShipTab :: frame with contents of the "Your PDA"->"Navigation" tab

StationSecondaryInfo :: label with character info (Money, Ship, Licenses ...) displayed in the bottom right of the station interface

StationTabPDA :: frame with contents of the "You PDA" tab

StationTabs :: vbox housing the main station tabs ("Commerce", "Ship" and "You PDA")

StorageRentalDialog :: dialog for renting station storage

SurveyDialog :: A survey dialog. probably unused

ToolTip :: dialog with the current/last tooltip

VoiceChatOptions :: dialog with voice chat options