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Showing below up to 500 results in range #51 to #550.

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  1. API CreateLoginDialog
  2. API CreateLoginHelpDialog
  3. API CreateLowGridPowerDialog
  4. API CreateMissionAbortMenu
  5. API CreateMissionPromptMenu
  6. API CreateMissionsPDATab
  7. API CreateNavigationPDATab
  8. API CreateNearbyShipsPDATab
  9. API CreateNewsMenu
  10. API CreateNotEnoughStorageMenu
  11. API CreateNotificationMenu
  12. API CreateOptionsMenu
  13. API CreatePDA
  14. API CreatePDATab1
  15. API CreatePVPTab
  16. API CreateQuantityPurchaseMenu
  17. API CreateSensorPDATab
  18. API CreateShipCargoPDATab
  19. API CreateShipPDATab
  20. API CreateStation
  21. API CreateStationBlankTab
  22. API CreateStationChatTab
  23. API CreateStationCommerceTab
  24. API CreateStationCommoditiesBuyTab
  25. API CreateStationCommoditiesLoadTab
  26. API CreateStationCommoditiesSellTab
  27. API CreateStationCommoditiesTab
  28. API CreateStationEquipmentBuyTab
  29. API CreateStationEquipmentManageTab
  30. API CreateStationEquipmentSellTab
  31. API CreateStationEquipmentTab
  32. API CreateStationFactionInfo
  33. API CreateStationHelpMenu
  34. API CreateStationMissionBuyTab
  35. API CreateStationPDATab
  36. API CreateStationPortConfigTab
  37. API CreateStationShipPurchaseTab
  38. API CreateStationShipSelectionTab
  39. API CreateStationShipStatusTab
  40. API CreateStationVisitsPDATab
  41. API CreateStationWelcomeTab
  42. API CreateStorageRentalDialog
  43. API CreateSurveyMenu
  44. API CreateTargetInfo
  45. API CreateVoiceChatOptions
  46. API DeleteCharacter
  47. API DisableNPCProximityWarning
  48. API DisableOneOffProximityWarning
  49. API DisablePlayerProximityWarning
  50. API DisableProximityWarning
  51. API DisconnectAddon
  52. API DisconnectAllAddons
  54. API EnableNPCProximityWarning
  55. API EnableOneOffProximityWarning
  56. API EnablePlayerProximityWarning
  57. API EnableProximityWarning
  58. API EnableVoiceChat
  59. API FactionStandingTemplate
  60. API FactionStandingWithInfoTemplate
  61. API FactionToSignedFaction
  62. API FadeControl
  63. API FadeLookup
  64. API FadeStop
  65. API FillInObjectInfo
  66. API FillInPlayerInfo
  67. API FindAndReplaceTags
  68. API FindAndReplaceTagsCB
  69. API ForEachBuddy
  70. API ForEachPlayer
  71. API ForgiveKiller
  72. API GeneratePlayerDiedMessage
  73. API GetAccomplishmentBigSize
  74. API GetAccomplishmentBigTexture
  75. API GetAccomplishmentBigUV
  76. API GetAccomplishmentCategory
  77. API GetAccomplishmentDescription
  78. API GetAccomplishmentLevels
  79. API GetAccomplishmentName
  80. API GetAccomplishmentSize
  81. API GetAccomplishmentTexture
  82. API GetAccomplishmentTitle
  83. API GetAccomplishmentType
  84. API GetAccomplishmentUV
  85. API GetActiveChatChannel
  86. API GetActiveMissionInfo
  87. API GetActiveShipCargoCount
  88. API GetActiveShipEnergy
  89. API GetActiveShipGridPowerAndUsage
  90. API GetActiveShipHealth
  91. API GetActiveShipID
  92. API GetActiveShipItemIDAtPort
  93. API GetActiveShipMass
  94. API GetActiveShipMaxCargo
  95. API GetActiveShipMaxSpeed
  96. API GetActiveShipName
  97. API GetActiveShipNumAddonPorts
  98. API GetActiveShipPortIDOfItem
  99. API GetActiveShipPortInfo
  100. API GetActiveShipSelectedWeaponGroupIDs
  101. API GetActiveShipSpeed
  102. API GetActiveShipWeaponGroup
  103. API GetAddonItemInfo
  104. API GetAvailableMissionInfo
  105. API GetBarPatrons
  106. API GetBestPriceInfoOfItem
  107. API GetBotSightedInfoForSector
  108. API GetBuddyInfo
  109. API GetCargoValue
  110. API GetCharacterDescription
  111. API GetCharacterID
  112. API GetCharacterIDByName
  113. API GetCharacterInfo
  114. API GetCharacterKillDeaths
  115. API GetChatLogReadState
  116. API GetConqueredSectorsInSystem
  117. API GetConqueredStatus
  118. API GetCurrentChatTab
  119. API GetCurrentSectorid
  120. API GetCurrentStationType
  121. API GetCurrentSystemid
  122. API GetEULA
  123. API GetFactionInfo
  124. API GetFinishedMissionInfo
  125. API GetFriendlyStatus
  126. API GetFullPath
  127. API GetGeneralChatLog
  128. API GetGroupMemberID
  129. API GetGroupMemberLocation
  130. API GetGroupOwnerID
  131. API GetGuildAcronym
  132. API GetGuildBalance
  133. API GetGuildBankPrivileges
  134. API GetGuildBankWithdrawalLimits
  135. API GetGuildMOTD
  136. API GetGuildMemberInfo
  137. API GetGuildMemberInfoByCharID
  138. API GetGuildName
  139. API GetGuildTag
  140. API GetHomeStation
  141. API GetInventoryItemClassSubType
  142. API GetInventoryItemClassType
  143. API GetInventoryItemContainerID
  144. API GetInventoryItemExtendedDesc
  145. API GetInventoryItemIcon
  146. API GetInventoryItemInfo
  147. API GetInventoryItemLocation
  148. API GetInventoryItemLongDesc
  149. API GetInventoryItemMass
  150. API GetInventoryItemName
  151. API GetInventoryItemQuantity
  152. API GetInventoryItemType
  153. API GetInventoryItemUnitCost
  154. API GetInventoryItemVolume
  155. API GetItemFullDesc
  156. API GetItemPartialDesc
  157. API GetJoinedChannels
  158. API GetKeyInfo
  159. API GetLastAggressor
  160. API GetLastPrivateSpeaker
  161. API GetLastShipLoadout
  162. API GetLastShipLoadoutPurchaseCost
  163. API GetLicenseLevel
  164. API GetLicenseRequirement
  165. API GetListOfSeenNames
  166. API GetMaxRadarDistance
  167. API GetMinJumpDistance
  168. API GetMissionChatLog
  169. API GetMissionLogReadState
  170. API GetMissionTimers
  171. API GetMoney
  172. API GetNationKills
  173. API GetNewsHeadline
  174. API GetNewspostItem
  175. API GetNumAccomplishments
  176. API GetNumActiveMissions
  177. API GetNumAvailableMissions
  178. API GetNumCharacters
  179. API GetNumCompletedMissions
  180. API GetNumFinishedMissions
  181. API GetNumGroupMembers
  182. API GetNumGuildMembers
  183. API GetNumKeysInKeychain
  184. API GetNumNewsHeadlines
  185. API GetNumNewsposts
  186. API GetNumOccasions
  187. API GetNumStationDesiredItems
  188. API GetNumStationMerch
  189. API GetNumStationTurrets
  190. API GetNumTips
  191. API GetOccasionItem
  192. API GetParentHealth
  193. API GetPlayerDistance
  194. API GetPlayerFaction
  195. API GetPlayerFactionStanding
  196. API GetPlayerHealth
  197. API GetPlayerName
  198. API GetPlayerNodeID
  199. API GetPrimaryShipIDOfPlayer
  200. API GetPrimaryShipNameOfPlayer
  201. API GetProfitColor
  202. API GetProfitHexColor
  203. API GetProximityWarningDistance
  204. API GetProximityWarningTimeout
  205. API GetRadarDistance
  206. API GetSectorAlignment
  207. API GetSectorIDOfStation
  208. API GetSectorMonitoredStatus
  209. API GetShipAmmoPrices
  210. API GetShipCargoCount
  211. API GetShipInventory
  212. API GetShipList
  213. API GetShipMaxCargo
  214. API GetShipMeshInfo
  215. API GetShipPortIDOfItem
  216. API GetShipPurchaseColor
  217. API GetSkillLevel
  218. API GetSkirmishInfo
  219. API GetStartingSectors
  220. API GetStationAddonList
  221. API GetStationAmmoInfoByID
  222. API GetStationCargoList
  223. API GetStationChatLog
  224. API GetStationCurrentCargo
  225. API GetStationDesiredItem
  226. API GetStationFaction
  227. API GetStationFactionAppraisalModifier
  228. API GetStationLocation
  229. API GetStationLogReadState
  230. API GetStationMaxCargo
  231. API GetStationMerchInfo
  232. API GetStationMerchInfoByID
  233. API GetStationMerchPriceByID
  234. API GetStationName
  235. API GetStationSellableInventoryInfoByID
  236. API GetStationSellableInventoryPriceByID
  237. API GetStationShipList
  238. API GetStationTurretInfo
  239. API GetStationType
  240. API GetStorageItemInfo
  241. API GetStorageLocationSector
  242. API GetSurveyChoices
  243. API GetSurveyQuestion
  244. API GetSystemID
  245. API GetTargetDistance
  246. API GetTargetFriendlyStatus
  247. API GetTargetInfo
  248. API GetTip
  249. API GetTurretNamesByStationType
  250. API GetTutorialLevel
  251. API GetUserName
  252. API GiveMoney
  253. API GiveOwnerKey
  254. API HasActiveShip
  255. API HasLastShipLoadout
  256. API HelpCharAccom
  257. API HelpCharFaction
  258. API HelpCharGuild
  259. API HelpCharInventory
  260. API HelpCharKeychain
  261. API HelpCharStats
  262. API HelpCommoditiesAction
  263. API HelpFriendKeys
  264. API HelpGridPower
  265. API HelpIgnore
  266. API HelpLargeAddonsAction
  267. API HelpOtherAddonsAction
  268. API HelpPDAAdvancementLog
  269. API HelpPDAJettison
  270. API HelpPDAKilledByList
  271. API HelpPDAKilledList
  272. API HelpPDAMissionLog
  273. API HelpPDAMissionNotes
  274. API HelpPDANearbyShips
  275. API HelpPDAPVPList
  276. API HelpPDAStationVisitsList
  277. API HelpSellAction
  278. API HelpSellAddons
  279. API HelpSellCommodities
  280. API HelpShipAmmo
  281. API HelpShipCargo
  282. API HelpShipEquip
  283. API HelpShipGroup
  284. API HelpShipPurchase
  285. API HelpShipSelect
  286. API HelpShipStatus
  287. API HelpSmallAddonsAction
  288. API HelpStationAddonEquip
  289. API HelpStationAddonGroups
  290. API HelpStationBuddies
  291. API HelpStationMission
  292. API HelpStationNav
  293. API HelpStationNews
  294. API HelpStationWelcome
  295. API HelpSystemNotes
  296. API HelpVoiceChat
  297. API HideAllDialogs
  298. API HideDialog
  299. API HideTooltip
  300. API Index
  301. API Index2
  302. API Index test
  303. API Interface Index
  304. API IsConnected
  305. API IsEnemy
  306. API IsGroupMember
  307. API IsGuildMember
  308. API IsInDuel
  309. API IsNPCProximityWarningEnabled
  310. API IsOneOffProximityWarningEnabled
  311. API IsPlayerProximityWarningEnabled
  312. API IsPlayerRequestingBuddy
  313. API IsPlayerRequestingDuel
  314. API IsPlayerRequestingGroupInvite
  315. API IsProximityWarningEnabled
  316. API IsStormPresent
  317. API IsTrainingSector
  318. API IsTransactionInProgress
  319. API IsVoiceChatEnabled
  320. API JettisonAll
  321. API JettisonMultiple
  322. API JettisonSingle
  323. API JoinChannel
  324. API LeaveChannel
  325. API ListChannels
  326. API LoadCargo
  327. API LoadChannels
  328. API LoadMissionNotes
  329. API LoadNavpath
  330. API LoadShipPresets
  331. API LoadSystemNotes
  332. API LocationStr
  333. API Login
  334. API Logout
  335. API MakeAssignOwnerKeyDlg
  336. API MakeBotName
  337. API MakeBuyBackQuestionDlg
  338. API MakeKeyInfoDlg
  339. API MakeNewspostListDlg
  340. API NPlural
  341. API OnIdle
  342. API OpenAlarm
  343. API OverlapPrevention
  344. API ParseXML
  345. API PlayerInStation
  346. API PlayerInventoryPairs
  347. API PopupDialog
  348. API PrintJoinUsage
  349. API PrintKeys
  350. API PrintLeaveUsage
  351. API PrintPurchaseTransaction
  352. API PrintTransactionTable
  353. API ProcessEvent
  354. API PurchaseMerchandiseItem
  355. API PurchaseShipLoadout
  356. API RegisterEvent
  357. API RegisterUserCommand
  358. API ReinitIconPositions
  359. API ReloadInterface
  360. API RentStorage
  361. API RepairShip
  362. API ReplenishAll
  363. API ReplenishWeapon
  364. API RequestCharacterStats
  365. API RequestLaunch
  366. API RequestMissionDetails
  367. API RequestMissionExtendedDescription
  368. API RequestMissionList
  369. API RequestNewsArticle
  370. API RequestNewsHeadlines
  371. API RequestNewspostInfo
  372. API RequestOccasionInfo
  373. API RequestTargetStats
  374. API ResetTutorial
  375. API RunTutorial
  376. API SHA1
  377. API SaveChannels
  378. API SaveMissionNotes
  379. API SaveNavpath
  380. API SaveShipLoadout
  381. API SaveShipPresets
  382. API SaveSystemNotes
  383. API SectorIDFromLocationStr
  384. API SelectActiveShip
  385. API SelectCharacter
  386. API SellInventoryItem
  387. API SendChat
  388. API SendMissionQuestionResponse
  389. API SetChatLogRead
  390. API SetChatLogReceiver
  391. API SetCurrentChatTab
  392. API SetHomeStation
  393. API SetMissionLogRead
  394. API SetMissionLogReceiver
  395. API SetProximityWarningDistance
  396. API SetProximityWarningTimeout
  397. API SetShipPurchaseColor
  398. API SetStationLogRead
  399. API SetStationLogReceiver
  400. API SetViewObject
  401. API ShortLocationStr
  402. API ShouldTutorialRun
  403. API ShowDialog
  404. API ShowTooltip
  405. API SplitLocationID
  406. API SplitSectorID
  407. API SplitStationID
  408. API StartSellInventoryItem
  409. API StationPlayerAmmoPairs
  410. API StationSellItem
  411. API StationSellableInventoryPairs
  412. API StopTutorial
  413. API StrTable
  414. API SubmitSurvey
  415. API SwapAddons
  416. API TabCompleteName
  417. API TutorialEnd
  418. API TutorialPart1
  419. API TutorialPart10
  420. API TutorialPart11
  421. API TutorialPart12
  422. API TutorialPart13
  423. API TutorialPart2
  424. API TutorialPart3
  425. API TutorialPart4
  426. API TutorialPart5
  427. API TutorialPart6
  428. API TutorialPart7
  429. API TutorialPart8
  430. API TutorialPart9
  431. API UnloadCargo
  432. API UnloadSellCargo
  433. API UnregisterEvent
  434. API UnregisterUserCommand
  435. API UnrentStorage
  436. API UpdateAllRadarFriendlyStatus
  437. API UpdateFade
  438. API UpdateRadarFriendlyStatus
  439. API XMLTagToString
  440. API assert
  441. API bbhash
  442. API calc health color
  443. API chatareatemplate
  444. API chatareatemplate2
  445. API clear accomlistbox
  446. API clear listbox
  447. API clearscene
  448. API collectgarbage
  449. API comma value
  450. API console clear
  451. API console print
  452. API create char guild tab
  453. API create char inventory tab
  454. API create jettison tab
  455. API create keychain tab
  456. API create ship group template
  457. API debugprint
  458. API declare
  459. API deviceByMode
  460. API dofile
  461. API emailpromptdlg
  462. API emailpromptdlgtemplate
  463. API error
  464. API factioncontroltemplate3
  465. API factionfriendlyness
  466. API factionfriendlynesscolor
  467. API factionfriendlynessrange
  468. API fillModesDropdown
  469. API fill accomlistbox
  470. API fill listbox
  471. API filter colorcodes
  472. API format time
  473. API generalprint
  474. API get itemdlg
  475. API get jettisonitemdlg
  476. API getheight
  477. API getwidth
  478. API guildaccessdialogtemplate
  479. API guildactivitylogdialogtemplate
  480. API guildbanklogdialogtemplate
  481. API hextorgb
  482. API ipairs
  483. API iup button
  484. API listpromptdlgtemplate
  485. API load
  486. API loadfile
  487. API loadscene
  488. API loadstring
  489. API log chat
  490. API log print
  491. API msgdlgtemplate1
  492. API msgdlgtemplate1a
  493. API msgdlgtemplate1aDone
  494. API msgdlgtemplate1aNext
  495. API msgdlgtemplate2
  496. API msgdlgtemplate2withcheck
  497. API msgpromptdlgtemplate2
  498. API msgpromptdlgtemplate2lines
  499. API multidlgtemplate1
  500. API multidlgtemplate2

View (previous 500 | next 500) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)